
Do Republicans really believe Senator is a less demanding position than Governor?

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If they do they must be really ignorant about how the American political system works.




  1. OMG you need to understand the difference in running a state and legislating your showing your ignorance!

  2. Let's see: a senator works 120 days out of the year.  A governor is on duty every day.  Democrats think that, too.  The last democrat to go from senator to President was Kennedy.  

  3. You need to study history.  JFK was the only senator that was worth anything as a president... and he nearly got us nuked by the Russkies.

    Governors stand alone as the heads of their state governments, calling shots, managing their state.  Senators roles are distinctly different.  Even reasonable democrats have to acknowledge this if they can divorce their answers from what Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama want them to say right this minute.  Think for yourself!!!!!

  4. There are lots of demanding jobs out there. The better question is: Which job gives you more practical experience for running a country: running a state or debating legislation? While being a Senator can keep you more informed on the national scene (assuming you show up for work and do your job), being Governor gives you practical executive experience that is crucial to running the country effectively.

  5. LOL you think so? A senator is a very cushy job,As long as you don't make any major bumbles you will be voted in again and again and again and again.  I mean look at strum Thurmond and robert Byrd. I have seen many an incumbent governer put out of office but it's very hard to put a senator of the same rank out. Senators basically sit on commitees and vote. oh sure some do hard work..but for the most part no they don't. Any exectuvie has a harder job whether she run alaska or ibm. You have to make tought calls people don't like and are always in the public eye...and when something goes wrong you have to be there to fix it, along with taking the blame for it.  I think YOU are the ignorant one on american politics.

  6. it seems to me that your calling the kettle black, a senator just works on a small section of the government, a few laws, committees etc. where as a governor is the "president" of the state they are the commander and chief of the state national guard, (the state military) the run the budget of the state and all legislative  responsibilities, when you have the time do a little research and you will find the truth

  7. it's the truth. I know that you're grasping, so I'll forgive you.

  8. A senator is a tough job, but a Governor, of a big state (unlike alaska) is like running your own "mini"-country. You have to pass laws, work with a budget, do emergency control, and many President-like things. However, I think that Palin was a good choice because she is a woman and that is what McCain needs...but she is one heart attack/ stroke away from Presidency... she needs more expericence

  9. "Demanding" isn't the issue; either position can soak up as much time as one is willing to spend at it.  But the responsibilities are quite different, and those of governor are much closer to those of President than those of a senator.

  10. Alaska has 683,000 people - my COUNTY has 3 times that many.  Being a U.S. Senator is one of the most powerful and time consuming jobs in the world.  And before that, Obama was a state senator.  He has also run a masterful campaign for president.  He graduated Magna *** Laude from Harvard Law School.  He worked for years to help the disadvantaged in Chicago.  His recent trip to the Middle East and Europe gave him more experience in two weeks than Palin could gain in a lifetime of being mayor of Wasilla, Alaska!

  11. Their roles are entirely different.  A senator has to work with at least 51 other people to come to effective legislation.

    A president has to be a leader, an executive, and with the aid of his staff must make tough decisions on his own.

    Two entirely different skill sets in my opinion  

  12.   What republicans believe nowadays has little relevance to what they say. They need to break away from people like Karl Rove and Rush Limbaugh, whose flapping jaws are the greatest source of untapped wind energy that this country has ever seen.

  13. Sorry, I think you are mistaken.  A Governor is a chief executive of a state.  They make decisions regarding virtually all aspects of managing state government from budgeting to policy to overseeing implementation of the law.  They must negotiate and understand issues at all levels of government from local to international, especially in today's world where business is global.  All a Senator does is sit in the legislature and debate potential laws.  They research the issues, but they have no roll in implementation or budgeting.  They have virtually no management tasks.  Also, Bill Clinton was only a Governor, and I suppose you think he did wonderfully.

  14. Comparing Palin's governorship to Obama's time in the senate is an unfair comparison. Palin took on a failing corrupt state government and won and Obama went to work 140 days. Perhaps if Obama had actually performed as a senator instead of someone who just came along for the ride this argument might have someone weight. But he was a do nothing and so it doesn't.

  15. I just think there nuts for even wanting to vote Republican , over what they have done to this country

  16. The governor of Alaska has more on the job time than does the junior senator from Illinois. His job is so demanding he can't even show up 1/3 of the time.

  17. It is when you have only served 143 days.   ***

  18. I think you are. A governorship is the closest thing to the presidency. He / she commands the national guard, writes the state budget, and represents the state to the rest of the world.

  19. You mean where a Senator doesn't even have to vote? And how they make all of their decisions in a large group?  And how they have no leadership responsibility?

    Senators have their role, but governor experience is a whole lot more valuable to a presidential/VP role.

  20. Sen. Glenn claims that few senators actually even read what they are voting on.  At least once, a note for a call back (a message to call somebody back) was voted on as a bill.

    When congress was voting on invading Iraq for a second time, only around a dozen senators bothered to read the detailed report.  Most just read a one page statement (basically Cliff Notes).

  21. no we just say it to annoy you. it humors us knowing we upset you so easily.

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