
Do Republicans really think Palin has more experience than McCain?

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I've been reading comments by conservative bloggers all morning in defense of Palin's experience that even Alaskans questioned before electing her, that she is, indeed, has more executive experience than Biden and Obama put together. [i.e. her 1.5 years as a governor and couple years as the mayor of Wasilla (pop.8000) is more important than years of legeslative experience]. However, by that same definition of experience, they are saying that McCain himself, as a senator of 26 years, also lacks experience. So, are you saying Palin is more qualified than McCain to be president or are you just pulling experience comparisons out of your ***?




  1. the issue is what is "the experience"....hmmm...obama, president of the harvard law review, state senate for 8 years of an area larger than alaska, and 4 years in the senate-PLUS, he has a law degree from harvard.  palin-serving as a council member and mayor of a town around 6-9000, then governor for 20 months, education- a bachelor's in journalism.  ummm, sorry, you cannot compare being a council person or mayor in a tiny town to being in the illinois state senate.  

  2. Let's face it. I am not a dem or rep so keep an open mind when reading this.I am a female and I am all for equal rights. My hat goes off to Palin raising a family and having a corporate and political career. However, I find it embarrassing that the the republicans just insulted their entire party by picking Palin over other qualified republicans. It is not about Obama. It is about their party. Again, there were other republicans that earned their wings and they were not given a chance. They could have still did something for Palin. But why all of a sudden..They shocked their own and making their own have to defend a woman that they do not know nor the public does not know. All we know that baby could be of incest. And I am not attacking them personally we just don't know them. People who are asking these dishonest republicans to be truthful for once will defend their own to the end. And that is okay but God will look out for the true right human being. Don't even waste your time with them because God apparently is showing them that it is time for change. Obama spoke brilliantly and from the heart in from of 85 million people and it was perfect. The reps tried to attach and call him a rock star but God held the weather up so his message can come across. McCain panicked and picked a woman thinking any woman could beat Obama and any woman can be Hillary. That just goes to show you the mind set of how they view their women. I am not a dem or rep. I just use good common sense. Now...Back To God..Look at who the hurricane parade is raining on now..God is bigger than all of this..And my prayers goes out to all of those in the path of the hurricane that no lives are lost and property are not damaged. however, the damage has already be done to the republican convention...Remember, I am in the middle but my voice keeps is real...real voices..real people...

  3. That's foolish I am sure you are taking their comments out of context. I think the debate here is that some delusional Obama supporters think she's less experienced than Obama.... That's laughable....

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