
Do Republicans really think women vote based on gender and not based issues? ?

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Do Republicans really think women vote based on gender and not based issues? ?




  1. Most people are stupid, a lot of black people will vote for obama because he is black and a lot of women will vote for a women because she is a women, you give people to much credit, how many people do you know that really know the issues, not many.  People will vote for who they like, it has nothing to do with issues anymore.

  2. Yes, I think they do. Why else would they vet Sarah Palin?

  3. Some will... don't kid yourself... why else would Obama be garnering high 90's in teh black electorate? Clinton got high 70s and was viewed as having pro=black policies

  4. No ... Just MOST Obama Supporters !!!

    ALL Americans should READ Obama's Global Poverty Act (S.2433) ... He is wanting to give America's sovereignty over to the United Nations !!!

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama!!


  5. Tell Obama to go back and pick Hillary...go on, we'll give you a "mulligan" - seriously!!!

  6. They vote on both.

  7. both, too bad for slobama

  8. I don't think its a republican stance. John McCain has a history of insulting women and not taking their issues seriously.

  9. Your a blond Democrat huh? Poor lil thing!  

  10. Some do, some don't. Don't generalize, and pretend you speak for all women, because it really makes you look ridiculous.  

  11. No, it appears to be their reaction to the Democrats

    "first time ever run for election"  spin on the 2008 elections.  

  12. No.  Are the Democrats really so incredibly sexist they believe Palin's track record of reform had nothing to do with her nomination?

  13. I'm a Republican, I'm a woman, and I don't vote based on gender

    I would hope that other women don't either.

  14. Women's rights, Muslim style. As many as 75% of the women jailed in Pakistan are there because they were raped - and judged to be fornicators since rape is almost impossible to prove in courts following the laws of Mohammed.

    Where is the liberal outcry????????

  15. Not exactly but I do feel that McCains advisers strongly advised that by putting a woman on his ticket would be the best chance for him given the fact that he is already up against a minority.  I'm sure many women do vote based on gender...I myself don't.

  16. At times, I have voted based on gender, but normally I vote on issues.

  17. If you drag up old footage of Reagan and you think people are going to forget that your real president is hiding out at the White House, because of a hurricane that has been gone for over a day and the government levies held up and that they were hoping and praying silently for the worst.

    Yes they are crazy enough to believe gender is all that matters. So why didn't they go get the real deal Hillary?

    They got Liebermann the judas. They already had McSame.

  18. Yes, because you democrats are voting on race and not issues.  Obama is so dangerous that Republicans had to pick a woman.  The Republicans had no other choice due to stupid people who vote on race and gender.

  19. I hope you realize this can relate to race, as well.

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