
Do Republicans think that because McCain was a POW, that we now OWE him our vote?

by Guest61362  |  earlier

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Do Republicans think that because McCain was a POW, that we now OWE him our vote?




  1. I think the media is making it seem that way.  I wonder what made American's vote for G.W. Bush...twice lol.  What did he do to make people want to vote for him?  He did nothing good before he was president and he did nothing good while he was president !  He had th experience but did it help him?  No.  He got a free ride his whole life because of his father.  Mc Cain deserves our praise for being a POW but he does not have to get your vote...just like all the dim-wit hockey moms think they owe Palin their votes lol come on.

  2. Do Democrats think that because Obama is black, that we now OWE him our vote? They must. He has no qualification at all. McCain has served our country and that is only one reason why he has my vote.

  3. YES - you hit the nail right on the head!!!

  4. Nope.Not at all.I am a retired vet,and I will be voting McCain.Still,YOUR vote is YOURS,and yours alone.You "owe"McCain nothing except health care.Such is the nature of military service.You do owe it to yourself,and your country,to understand lying goes on both sides.To deny this obvious fact is ridiculous.So get past the partisan websites,past the party lines,and make a choice.That's the way this system works.Vote Obama by all means,but win or lose,stand behind who gets elected.It won't be MY president or YOUR president.It will be THE president of the UNITED States.If Obama wins,I won't bytch,I'll cross my fingers and hope like h**l he does a good job,with all my support behind him,although I will vote against him.America needs to think of this,and realise not everyone gets the president THEY chose.They never have,never will.It's not a perfect system,but I can't think of a better one.Come on people,it really doesn't have to be one side against the other,we can still be Americans first

  5. Look how many people died in the honor of duty that we do not know.

    Not like Mccain, his dad and granddad were big shots in the army and he wants everybody to know it.  

  6. yes & every day we have to hear his 50 year old war story too.

  7. I don't think that we OWE anyone a vote.  I do appreciate everyone who serves this country.

  8. No, neither has anyone other than libs even suggested that.

  9. The POW card has PLAYED OUT!

    They LIED to the american people one too many times last night


  10. Sometimes it sounds like he is saying that.

  11. No he doesn't- he has earned it.  Does Obama think because he is black that we now owe him our vote?  Or because he was a community organizer?

  12. informed.....ok? he was a COMMANDER of the biggest US Navy Airwing and a CAREER Naval Officer....over 20 years of service NOT just a uninformed !

    plenty qualified..and them some!

    as were senator Biden his running mate said Obama, is NOT qualified…and that McCain is better!…case closed!

  13. Heros dive on grenades to save their fellow warriors.  I like McCain. I appreciate his service, but I have a very hard time making heros out of soldiers who get captured.  For some reason it doesn't seem that becoming a prisoner is the same as falling on a grenade.  

  14. No, it just shows that he served in the military and therefore is qualified to be commander in chief.

    Do Democrats think that because Obama is black that we now OWE him our vote? Surprisingly some blacks seem to think so.

  15. It seems to be, now that I have watched the RNC up to now, that this is a huge criteria in their books...although I will reserve my final judgement until after McCain's speech.  But it sure is going in that direction.

  16. No I don't believe you owe him your vote, but you do owe him your respect. He wasn't just a POW he was military meaning he was willing to die for our country. Obama has never served anything but himself, to me he has not earned my respect, and believe me he doesn't have it. I would choose McCain over Obama any day. I'm very proud of McCain as well as all of our military personnel, all of them are so willing to give there lives for our sake. I ask you to please think before you ask your next silly question.    

  17. He's trying to send us all on a guilt trip. McCain had broken arms so I should vote for him as my way of saying thank you.

  18. No we should vote for a president who thinks the U.S. is the world's bad guy and isn't afraid to speak this out in other national forums..

  19. No. but we do think that of all the candidates he has done more to EARN our vote.

    Tell me, just what has Obama actually ever accomplished for this country?

    What major laws has he passed? What major programs has he created?

    I can answer this.....NONE! Even the programs he has stood behind were not his creation!

    What has he done for this country and what has he done for me personally?


  20. Yes, that is exactly what they think.

  21. They probably think we owe our votes to McCain for all the trouble he went to making treasonous propaganda movies for America's enemy during wartime.

  22. Republican's convention message seems to be military service, but that sure wasn't the case when the choice was between Vietnam veteran John Kerry and AWOL Bush.

    McCain voted for Bush, over the more experienced Kerry.

    In fact, in 2004, McCain said, you don't have to serve in the military to be commander in chief.

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