
Do Republicans think their better than Dems?

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Do Republicans think their better than Dems?




  1. Goes both ways.

  2. Every year, its all out war against eachother even brother vs brother...

  3. Better? No, they just know they are not socialist like Dems!

  4. do democrats think they are better than republicans.... no they dont, they think they are worse.... thats why they are the party that they are, because they think they are worse than the other party.

  5. not better, just less ignorant

  6. Both sides think that.  Equally corrupt as well.

  7. oh my goodness yes for sure. with every fiber of their being. just look at bush and cheney. Bush cannot say a speech without giving comedians good material and Cheney is so arrogant that he just doesn't come out of hiding and when he does he is either cursing you out or shooting you friend or foe

  8. Let's see..we work for what we want.

    We save for our children and grandchildren

    We have respect for innocent life.

    We value the Constitution and try not to skew it to ones agenda.

    There's more but I hate posting yea we are.

  9. They're -- not their.

    Everybody sees their little tribe as vastly superior to all the others.

  10. Yes and dems think they're better than republicans

    conservatives think they are better than liberals

    liberals think they are better than conservatives

    christians think they are better than jews

    jews think they are better than christians

    everyone thinks they are the best.


  12. Of course not---no-certainly not--we are all still Americans First!

    Actually if you will seek the truth you will find that Democrats are actually the once with all the money these days---true it was the Republicans 50 years ago-----things have evolved the Democrat Party will not give anything to the people unless they tack on ear-marks...just check the house and senate to see the overwhelming statistics show clearly the Democrats are far richer and far more elitist.----sad but true.

  13. yes, they say Dems want to destroy America

  14. Yesno.

  15. they don't think they are "better". They think that they are smarter.

    In reality they are just one side of the same coin, they both are losing value and luster.  

  16. No, I am an American with differing views. I am an American first. I don't vote party lines. I vote for who I think will do the best job. I have voted for Democrats, Republicans and Independents. I am a free thinker, with allegiances to no party.

  17. They are the elitist. They think they have the right answers, but their answers are actually wrong and don't work.

  18. No, they just are. That's why 65 % of all homeowners are Republicans, and the same percentage of Republicans attend church.

  19. mostlikly with issues but as a human probably not.

    dems think they are better than republicans as well

  20. Yes and If you dont vote for them you are Unamerican and going to h**l tooo.

  21. No we dont, just different. We like America to stand on its own and for each person to do there part. Democract want the government to do it all for them. Different idea not better.  

  22. I am a republican.

    I am a retired Army Sergeant First Class.

    I am better than some people. Others are better than I. I doubt that a political party affiliation makes any difference in that.

  23. Not necessarily, more specifically conservatives tend to use logic to come to decisons and liberals tend to use emotion and how things make them feel. This seems childish to conservatives, but luckily a lot of liberals grow up, have jobs and responsibilites and become conservative, it is a beautiful thing to see a person mature.

  24. Yes, and republicans are narrow-minded and don't believe in science.  Republicans also don't treat women as equals.  

  25. I think we have better policies. I like most Democrats though... when not discussing politics :D.

  26. Yeah. Actually I think we are.

    McCain/Palin '08

  27. You know what they say: If you are young and not a liberal you have no heart.  If you are old and not a conservative you have no brain.

    No no, El Rushbo would say no.  However, we are better and that is based on science and mathematics so I can't be lying.

  28. nope...they just feel sorry for dems because they are obviously special to believe obama and camp...

  29. I can't speak for all of them but I am a very conservative republican and I do not think I am better than anyone.  I think that everyone has the right to spend their money the way they want to and no one should tell me who to give it to.  Does that make me think I am better? Nope, I just think I should reap my rewards of all my hard work not someone else who has been thought to sit around, get handouts, and blame it on the republicans.

  30. No. but we think our candidates are better than yours.

  31. I know I do.

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