
Do SAHM's not get counted in the Tax Rebate?

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I am a SAHM and my understanding was that as a couple my husband and I would receive around $1200, or $600 per person in our tax rebate, plus a possible $300 for my son. And we only received $600 & $300 - so my question is... since I don't work out of the home do we only get the rebate for a single filing status??




  1. It has nothing to do with your working or not outside the home.  Your stimulus payment is based on your net federal income tax for 2007. If your tax was between $600 and $1200 on your joint return, you get back everything you paid. If your tax was less than $600, you get an even better deal, and get $600, even MORE than you paid in. If you paid over $1200 though, your rebate is limited to $1200.

    Your net income tax liability is one of the following depending on which form you filed:

    · On Form 1040, the amount shown on Line 57 plus the amount on Line 52;

    · On Form 1040A, the amount shown on Line 35 plus the amount on Line 32; or

    · On Form 1040EZ, the amount on Line 10.

    It sounds like your income tax liability was $600 or less - if so, then that's what you and your spouse would get together, plus the extra for your son.

  2. Married Couples qualify for UP TO $1200.  Most people, including the media, have ignored the UP TO part.

    In order to get the full $1200, your income must he high enough that you incurred at least a $1200 tax liability.  If your income was low or your income was offset by high deductions or credits and your tax liability was under $600, you would only receive $600 plus $300 for your child.

  3. Judy is correct, your rebate amount depends on your husband's and your combined tax payment.  If you paid less than $600 in total federal tax, your rebate as a couple will be $600, plus $300 for your child.  I am a SAHM also, and we received $2400 total, $1200 for my husband and I and $300 for each of our 4 children.  We paid $1600 in total tax, so we received our full amount of the rebate.

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