
Do Scorpio women hate Leo women because we're supposedly vain?

by Guest199  |  earlier

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'Lovely' is an illiterate child! With so much hate in her life that one day she will suffocate because of it...

By 'passion' I meant an open, honest optimism about life. You people just don't like to see anyone else happy do you?

You 'lovely' and all the scorpios who've branded all leos fake, attention seekers should look inside yourselves for inner peace.

Don't hate us because we're naturally happy and you're just sad, desolate, concubines from the depths of insecure, jealous natures!!!!




  1. no the truth is scorpios are just mad because they want to dominate and minipulate leos and us leos wont have it they call leos fake but we speak whats inside our hearts they dont and thats just fake to me we dont crave attention your insecurities just get to you stop downing us leos!!!


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