
Do Shows FROM TWO DECADES Ago Need TO BE Emulated In Our Times?

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I first watched these about six years ago and saw an episode today. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes was an excellent series made during the mid '80s. Two of Holmes' most dangerous rivals are women. However, in sharp contrast to the way females are portrayed and act these days, these ladies are normal in both dress and etiquette.

I have no doubt that if this show was made today it would have a woman beating up Holmes and Watson, along with a female partner who actually is the one solving the puzzles for Holmes.

Good shows like this are sorely needed in our time. Gentlemen, THOUGHTS?




  1. Anatol darling, times change, cultures change, people change. I see women wearing dresses all the time. I personally love dresses but jeans are very comfy and provide a lot of positive attributes and to describe a woman as unfeminine because she wears something besides a dress/skirt is just ridiculous.

    The type of clothing someone wears in subject to each culture. Years ago before feminism, men and women generally wore the same type/style of clothing. Does that mean that those cultures were plagued by radical feminism? No, of course it doesn't.

    I know I give you a lot of c**p on here because honestly, I'm still convinced you are a troll but if you don't like American women or basically from what I can gather in any of your rantings, Americans in general, then why are you here? Obviously you're not satisfied with you life in this country so move some place where people are more amiable to your beliefs.

    Forgive me for seeming rude but I find my right to vote, my right to wear jeans, my right to become educated and secure a wonderful job, my right to marry whom I want, when I want, my right to regulate how many children I have and my right to speak my opinion when I want is more important than your obsession with finding a woman to beat up and boss around.

  2. I agree that sometimes they do make the characters in historical fiction too much like contemporary characters. There were always strong women, they just showed it differently that they do today.

  3. show business is about what makes money and not much about the content; I guess reality TV has got the market right now

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