
Do Smokers have to pay higher premiums for life insurance than non-smokers?

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1- Do Smokers have to pay higher premiums for life insurance than non-smokers?

2- What is the current interest rates paid out on annuities in the USA?

3- When employing staff, should employers have the right to discriminate against smokers?

Thank you in advance for your answers.




  1. Smokers do pay more for life insurance, since they have a higher risk of dying during the period covered by a term life policy and a higher risk of dying earlier and thus making fewer premium payments for a whole life policy. The return of an annuity policy varies by the age of the insured and other factors. For an accurate quote, log onto a website like and fill out a form requesting a free quote. Yes, employers can discriminate against smokers. Since many employers are paying health and life insurance premiums for employees, they have a right to limit costs by hiring those who qualify for lower rates.

  2. Yes

    No idea


  3. My first licence was issued around 37 years ago.

    Here are my immediate thoughts:

    1- Do Smokers have to pay higher premiums for life insurance than non-smokers?

    Two points:  You ask "have to pay" and to that, the answer is, "No".  You are not required to pay higher premiums because you have the freedom to reject the coverage.  

    Next, if you want the coverage, then it depends upon the company.    Key points:  One outfit may have higher that normal rates yet make everybody who wishes such a policy to pay that one rate (which is exorbitant for non-smokers).  Thus, you can pay the same rates as another who does not smoke -  -  -  you win, the other person looses.

    Next point:  The rates can be the same, but the dividends can be lowered.  So you get the same rate, but a worse return.

    2- What is the current interest rates paid out on annuities in the USA?

    If a licensed person answers this question he could be subjected to a loss of license.   Not good.

    3- When employing staff, should employers have the right to discriminate against smokers?

    Yes, absolutely and positively!   Read the fourth amendment to the Constitution.  (Of course, if you are not an American, then kindly ask for this opiinion from a citizen of your nation.)

    My website is


    Visit the site and ask client / practitioner questions there, please.   Then they may be answered legally.

  4. Yes because smoking increases the likelihood of death.  

    Varies by company

    Yes, it is a private business.  I have the right to not hire someone because they smoke.  Smokers smell like cigarettes and I have the right not to have that smell in my business.

  5. Some insurance companies have this around...

  6. 1. Cigarette smokers, yes.  Other tobacco users don't have to

    2. Varies by company and terms of the contract

    3. Yes, smokers are not a protected class and they only smoke by choice.  Possible loss of productivity, unpleasant oder, and higher insurance costs are just three reasons they might consider making this decision.  

    I know a landlord who refuses to rent to SUV drivers.  Unusual, but legally defensible.

  7. 1.yes

    2.dunno,dont tell employers they dont need to know or they can ask you........they might say "oh it to let us know whether we shud give u breaks"but refuse to answer

    also smoking is bad it has adverse effects everyway u luk at it,financially,health,appearance ect if your think about taking it up....dont and if you do smoke than try to quit

    gud luck

  8. 1. Yes, smokers pay a higher premium for life insurance.

    2. Rates on annuities vary according to the investment type within the annuity.  

    3. No, employers should not have the right to discriminate against smokers.  Why would they.  They normally don't pay for life insurance except for group plans and normally not a very large face amount.

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