
Do Snake Bite Piercings Hurt?

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How much does it hurt on a scale one through ten? Or please tell me your experience also =] Thanks!




  1. They hurt more than a regular lip piercing, which is fairly painless. I barely felt mine. But my friend has the snake bites and she said they hurt more than her eyebrow and navel, but less than her industrial, which is also a double piercing. Everyone's pain tolerance is different. I know three people who have it done; one said it didn't hurt at all, one said it was about a 5 on the scale, and the other cried like a baby and bled pretty hard.

  2. i wanna get my septum done, snake bites, and my belly button :]

    i know some ppl that have SB's say they barely hurt and others that say it hurt like h**l! i think its all on who does it, how they do it, and how much pain you can take lawlz :P

    if you could, please answer my question, i just posted it, its also about piercings! :]

  3. can you take some pain? i guess it all depends on if you can take like..3 seconds of stinging pain or somethin. i think it would have to be a...5-7.  

  4. It's going to hurt..but, only for a little bit..depending on who is doing the 16 yr old daughter got her middle lower lip down, didn't hear a peep out of her till we got the end of the day she was fine...if you're that serious about getting snake bites, then you won't mind the pain...

  5. Honestly, every piercing is gonna hurt some. My friend got her snakebites done (well, she has two liprings side by side, but you get the idea) and she said that it didn't hurt at all, but that's her pain tolerance, so it's going to be different for you probably.

    As for me, my nose is pierced, and really just the initial "Wow, there's a frickin' huge needle in my nose" pain was all that hurt (on a scale of one to ten, it was about a 5 or 6 because it was over so quickly), and then a little soreness afterwards.

    Lip piercings are probably a whole different story 'cause there's so many nerves in there.

    Good luck though :D

  6. no they dont the worst thing i would say is nippels and spetum feels like sum1 hit u in the face with a 2x4 and some ppl pass out

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