
Do Some Ice Cream Vans sell Drugs ?? lol?

by  |  earlier

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I ask this cause sometimes in the middle of the night (Say midnight/1am time) I randomly hear an Ice Cream van somewhere in our town with their chimes on !!

It just sounds really dodgy, lol...I mean what kid will be out buying Ice Cream at that time of night !!? They must be up to something !!




  1. u sure its a ice cream van an not just some random person with a funny taste in music lol ??

  2. Look at it this way, it's a tough way to make money. You have to rent the truck, you have to buy the ice cream. If you don't sell enough, you don't make any money. This is probably why the ice cream keeps going in front of the party house, hoping someone with munchies will come out and buy something. Or maybe the ice cream truck person is selling more than ice cream.  

  3. omg near where i live there is aswell it's scary!

  4. yes I am sure one out of hundreds of ice cream trucks are selling drugs as well. they would not turn on the ice cream chime for everyone to hear though in the middle of the night. lets see what would be easy to spot in the middle of the night. a white ice cream van in the middle of the night. selling ice cream? yea cops wouldn't see that. most people think cops are stupid or something. I have never met a smart criminal though. if they were a smart criminal they wouldn't be doing nickle and dime stuff.  

  5. uhh...that in the movies all the time. it must be true.

  6. Not a very good dealer with all that racket going on,i'm sure the bobbies will be onto them,lol.

  7. I often wonder the same thing.

    I never heard one in the middle of the night, but with the cost of gas and the mileage those trucks/vans get- I don't see how it can be profitable.

  8. Lol

    You Saw that in a movie right


    well yerr some do esp. Weed.

    But Most Sell ice Cream.

  9. defo sounds like it.

    id report it to the police because its disturbing the neighbourhood after u find out exactly where its coming from.

  10. Some of them do, some just cater to those who are already stoned and have the munchies.

  11. Well , it wasn't a flake lol

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