
Do Spiders have toes?

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I was talking about spiders and how there was one in our living room to my Uncle and Godfather and I said it moved with it's 'legs and stuff' and then they asked me what the 'stuff' was. I said they had toes. And then they said they don't have toes. Is this true??? Do spiders have toes or not???




  1. no just like every other invertebrate (creature without a backbone)

  2. Spiders do not have legs and toes as we have, but like a crab they have hard external skeletons with muscles which attach and pull internally. Each joint has a pivoting point which moves in one plane - several such joints permit the leg to be moved in a way that many people find creepy. You will probably find that there are five sections to each leg - the last section will be end in a claw for walking on. This last section could quite rightly be termed a toe.

  3. nope no toes

  4. No they don't have toes. The ends of their legs end in hairs that look sort of like hooks. That's how they hang upside down on surfaces.

  5. spiders have no toes, you should listen to your uncle & godfather
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