
Do Spirits See Us When We Are Doing Personal and Private Things?

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This may sound funny, but it's a legitimate question.

If I m********e, can a spirit see what I'm doing?

Or if I'm taking a shower and nude, do they see all?

I mean there can't be a "rule" for this can there?

Because you know people do some strange things in private.




  1. If there are spirits, I'm sure they can.

  2. Yeah, I'm pretty sure they can. Some are polite enough not to, they have respect, but shoot, people are people, alive or dead, and some just have no manners, you know?

  3. ~~Of course they do~~Why else would they want to be spirits??~~XP

  4. I believe spirits not only can see what we are doing,hear what we say,but they also know exactly what we are thinking and know how we truly are feeling.

  5. Oh ya, they see everything...

    How the h**l would anyone know this? Come on....Are you for real or are you fn with me.

  6. who cares, its not like the spirits don't have s*x

  7. That's for them to know and you to find out!

  8. Here's a question that might get you thinking about your question: what do ghosts see when they look at us?

    I mean, if they used to be human beings, why do they seem to get freaked out when we're seeing and following them? Do they actually see us, or what do they actually see? If they actually are dead people, it would make sense that they wouldn't have any problem with us at all, but then again, nobody has any real idea what it's like to be a ghost.

    Therefore, the answer to this question would require us knowing what a ghost sees. If what they see is merely a shadowy shape (as many people have claimed that this is what ghosts themselves look like), then naturally they could see you, but not necessarily tell what you were doing. It's really a question I've wondered about, but the idea that I have is that what they see isn't necessarily what you and I see.

    And if so, being dead and without a libido, why would they stand there and watch you m********e, shower, dress, etc., if they had anything else to see? Ghosts tend to hang out where there are people, but in places where people aren't likely to go.

  9. I do know of an incident where a man reported that he experienced paranormal activity while in the shower daily.  But you know, I think that for the most part, the dead do not concern themselves so much with a humans frailties.

  10. Yup and I guess they really enjoy it too. =p lol.

  11. Yes, they can see us anywhere.   I record a lot, trying to get evp.  I had heard that water was a great background whitenoise.  Soooo...I recorded while taking a shower.   I will never do that again.      Now  when I am going into the shower I tell anyone that may be around  that they have to leave.

  12. Um....Not spirits but God does

    That's a wierd thought though, Reaaly REALLY wierd

    Spirits after they die...dont come back to earth they go h**l or heaven so dont worry

  13. That's funny, I think that too.  Hold on, I'll ask one.

  14. no doubt about it

  15. Yeah... There is no rules... DO not look at people when they do something nasty. No way! They can see you when ever they want, but only if they are looking. They may or may not be following you. But if they choose to see you, then they can and when ever they want.

  16. I used to wonder the same thing about santa claus - for real. If ghosts do exist then you'd think they'd be able to see us. But since we cannot regularly see them, then perhaps they don't. Perhaps it just all depends on the manner in which they exist. Maybe ghost are not aware of the world we live in any more than we are aware of theirs. Maybe some ghosts are more aware than others.

    To me what it comes down to is why would some ghost want to watch you m********e? I think if ghost have retained any part of their humanity, they are for the most part not interesteding in keeping tabs on our personal affects.

  17. They are always watching so you better watch what you do.

  18. yes they do. i've asked one before. now im scared to have showers. but they do watch you if they choose to

  19. Angela b is correct, they do feel what were going through, at least the ones that are close to us. They don't care, especially they know what it is to be human, that they have lived life before, so they are understanding of what we do.

    Many people have experienced OBE, or astral projection, even patients in hospitals to were they are in spirit seeing others around them, or doctors working on them.

    The only ones that may get fresh would be evil spirits, demons.

  20. Earthbounds, not likely to notice you b.c they create their own reality. Spirit guides and angels can, but you need to understand something. They are highly intelligent beings on the other side. They see us as we see little newborn baby's.  Baby's will yank on themselves, be naked, and do many things we as adults would be embarrassed about but we don't see that as gross just a natural part of being alive for them. We just dont care, b.c they are babies. Or when you look at a dog mating, do you care? noooope.  That's how angels and our guides view us..just as no big deal- a natural part of living.

    They don't care.

  21. If you believe spirits exist and can interact with this world, then you must believe they can see what you're doing when you think you're all alone.

  22. I also wonder this!

    Like do they watch me in the shower?

    Its a bit wierd!

    I think they watch but, they dont care.

    Becuase they are dead!

    I love this :D

  23. I think spirits can see us if we do personal things.

    It's creepy to think about, but they probably can.

  24. I think they are able to see us anywhere despite the fact we are unable to see them.

  25. Does it really matter?  You wouldn't stop showering or using the toilet.  Maybe it would feel weird for a while if you are thinking about it but you would get used to the idea because of a lack of options.

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