
Do Sports build self-esteem?

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Ok i watched sorority boys the movie and heard someone say " Its true sprots does build self-esteem" is that true?




  1. people who play sports generally have better self esteem. This is because people who play sports are good at sports, and if your not good, you don't play. It's the same with any competition. I'm sure that being good at art, or at playing music can build just as much self esteem. The surveys and studies are skewed towards sports though, because any fool can play music or paint. There isn't going to be someone accross the paper/keyboard from you who's going to outplay/paint you if you suck.

    So yeah, if you are good at sports they build self esteem. If you're not, then you don't play.

  2. Yeah , it's weird but it does. Cause you meet new peole, and make more friends.

  3. ya test results show they do

  4. Only if it's something you are good at, or it's a team sport where you are able to do something that clearly helps the team....

  5. If your good at sports, they make your self-esteem high.

    If your bad they lower it.

  6. It can build it up or tear it down...just like anything in life.

  7. It's not about whether you're good or not. You should never let that influence and determine your self esteem.

    Sports build your self-esteem by causing you to push YOURSELF. To push yourself farther then you thought you could go.. and to do more. As long as you pushed yourself, gave your all, and never gave up.. then you are a winner. seriously.

    In sports too many people get wrapped up in the competition. They compete against rivals, compete against their friends on the same team (always trying to weigh them self against them), and compete against everyone else. But that's going at it wrong. Yes, in sports there are always going to be people that you are competing against.. BUT the ONLY person you should ever really be competing with is YOURSELF.

    Erase everybody else from the field and just picture you. Compete against your best times, your best games, your best races, best score, and best performances..and try to outdo it each time. That's it.

    If you do this everyday you get onto the field to play your sport you WILL build your self-esteem huge!! because you will blow yourself away at what you are capable of doing that you never thought possible.

    At the same time, you will be getting yourself in shape, focusing your energy on something positive, and staying healthy.. All those contribute to great self-esteem!

    Look. I've been a professional athlete and I've even played some sports that I was HORRIBLE at.. but no matter how good or bad I was at it.. NEVER affected my self-esteem.. because the only person I was ever competing with was myself. Nobody else.

    I'd get out there and just tried to do better than what I did before and tried to push the bar farther each and every time.

    If you do that, I promise you.. You will not only become one of the best at whatever sports you do.. but you will also have a new self-esteem like no other.

    ALSO make sure that you are doing it for the right reason. If you are playing sports to impress someone.. impress your dad, family, friends, or the girl down the street.. You are going to be disappointed. And never really going to be happy with it.

    Only play sports because it something YOU want to DO. For You. Nobody else.

    Hope that helps!

  8. yeah sure

  9. Well...I can see why it train yourself to do better and to be healthier....being stronger and healthier certainly builds up self would build mine up anyway.

  10. dont always listen to movies but that question has two answers yes becuase you are training yourself to do better and that usaully make you feel good about yourself and if your not good and you are being forced by your parents it can lead to permanent confidence issues

  11. if u hit the gamw winning shot, or make the play of the game. If you blow the game because an error on your may become depressed

  12. Only if you're really good.  If you suck, they're detrimental and you'll eventually end up hating yourself

  13. yes- if youre good.

    I had no confidence but my coach still wanted me to run. and hes the reason why i know about my confidence issue.

    Most People Yes.

  14. not if you suck like me.

  15. Yes it does. I read some other responses where they stated that it only helps if you're good at the sport. Sport is not about if your good or not but that you have fun it what you are doing.

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