
Do Stem Cells Work?

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If it does work, why aren't we funding for it in taxes?

If it doesn't work please provide a scientific explanation why it doesn't work.




  1. Yes, they do "work."

    You ask why we arent funding for it in taxes, well, its called the Republican war on science!

    Vote for a dem, they will fund research to "cure" everything from Diabetis to cancer.  And everything else in between.

  2. Yes, because stem cells are assigned a job and then they transform into that type of cell and become what the body needs so in a way it's fixing it.

  3. Stem cells work. Large scale and routine use is not yet begun because of ethical,legal and other reasons. Stem cells from a newly fertilized viable ovum is like aborting and so is illegal.  Stem cells from spontaneously aborted fetus are suspicious as only blighted ova get spontaneously aborted.Stem cells from bone marrow are less effective but a donor should volunteer. Stem cells from umbilical cord are useful but experiments are slow.

    Stem cells are now more used in veterinary medicine  but who pays to keep animals and birds perfect.?

  4. Yes, stem cells do work.  And some of it is federally funded.  Bush only banned federal funding to embryonic stem cell research that was started after he banned the funding.  In fact he even approved funding for several different projects that had been started before that.  

    Past that, other non embryonic stem cells are paid for with taxes.  For example, my stem cell transplant (the medically accurate term for a bone marrow transplant) was completly paid for by Medicare and Medicaid.
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