
Do Sunni believe that he is good?JafarAl-Sadiq?

by Guest64270  |  earlier

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Ja'far Al-Sadiq became well versed in Islamic sciences, including Hadith, Sunnah, and the Quran. In addition to his knowledge of Islamic sciences, Ja'far Al-Sadiq was also an adept in natural sciences, mathematics, philosophy, astronomy, anatomy, alchemy and other subjects.

The foremost Islamic alchemist, Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayyan, known in Europe as Geber, was Ja'far Al-Sadiq's most prominent student. Ja'far Al-Sadiq was known for his liberal views on learning, and was keen to debate with scholars of different faiths and of different beliefs.

Abu Hanifa an-Nu‘man was an Islamic scholar and Jurist. He was a student of Ja'far Al-Sadiq. Abu Hanifa was once asked the question, how old are you? And he replied two; the person asking said you have been around me for more than two years. Abu Hanifa replied "My age is that which I spent under Ja'far Al-Sadiq."[cite this quote]His mother Umm Farwa was the granddaughter of Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr, who was one of the companions of Ali ibn Abi Talib (the first Shi’ah Imam and the fourth Sunni Caliph). Ali ibn Abi Talib repeatedly said about him that, "Muhammad is my spiritual and moral son." Asma bint Umais was the mother of Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr, and she was considered to be a pious woman. She was continuously in the service of Fatima Zahra bint Muhammad and took pride in it.




  1. Dear Brother

    Hazrat Imam Jafer e Sadiq Raziallahu Anhu is respected and regarded high by Sunni Muslims being Aal e Nabi Aulaad e Ali raziallahu anhu.

    On 22 Rajab, Koonday (table cloth dinner) is organized by Sunni Muslims. It is an occasion for Muslims to discuss Allah and the Holy Ahlul Bayt and to strengthen ties among the community with love and compassion. This tradition is more common among the Muslims of South Asia. It is reported to be a practice instructed by 6th Imam Jafar as-Sadiq. Holy Quran is recited and Eithal e Thawab is offered to Ahl e Bait rizwanallahum alaihim ajmaeen.  

    Unfortunately the Wahabi scholars condemn such practices by Sunni Muslims these days as Bid a'.



  2. His Name is Jabber Bin Hayyan, Founder of Chemistry, Died in 1737.

    Yes He is very Good

  3. he was a great man , but u shias worship his grave

  4. Of course Ja'afar Al-saadiq was a pious person. But what is associated to him by shia is all false.

  5. well he used to abhor the Twelver s**+'a sects, and the four schools of madhab didn't take narrations from him because he didn't hear from his fathers.

  6. I believe in the wisdom Allah granted to Ahl-e-Bayt only!

    Jabber bin Hayyan was a student of Imam Jaffer Sadiq(as)!

  7. He is a great man in my opinion.....I am mostly a follower of his Fiqh.....

    Imam Hanifa, Imam Malik, Imam Shafi and Imam Hanbal are great as well....

  8. Yes true sunnis love his as a great wali and alim

    However he was not masum. Only Prophets are masum

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