
Do T-Rex's come from eggs?

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Do T-Rex's come from eggs?




  1. all dinos come frm eggs as they all are reptiles

  2. Not anymore , but when they lived, yeah, they hatched out of eggs

  3. Many nests of dinosaur eggs have been found.  Often these eggs have rlatively developed dinosaurs in them.  I am not sure if they specifically found a T. rex nest or not but I was thinking they did.

  4. they do

    big ones

    they lay eggs as do all lizards, birds and some mammals (platypus)

  5. They did, back in the days when T-Rexes were alive.  They laid eggs.

  6. Yes, i think all dinosaurs came from eggs.

  7. a fact,they do

    remember:dinosaurs are the early relatives of reptiles,most of which lay eggs.

    if you want me to continus further in expalining just say.

    i hope i helped!

  8. pretty sure they do. i asked my dad he said he's pretty sure too.

    =)) hope i helped

  9. Yes they are a reptile and reptiles come from eggs, mammals are the only animals that (by definition) do not come from eggs.  There are exceptions, however dinosaurs, like lizards come from eggs.

  10. No, they come from fossils.

  11. yeah, they used to...

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