
Do The Zeta Reticuli Grey Aliens Exist?

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I'm curious to know about the zeta reticuli grey aliens. I've read on some random websites that they resemble praying mantises, and that are good species and evil species of these aliens. Can anyone please enlighten me me more and perhaps direct me to legitmate websites where I can learn more about this subject. Thanks very much!




  1. Yes they do exist. Zetas can morph into the human form at will. Catherine Zeta Jones is one of them.

  2. I feel pretty confident that life exists elsewhere in our Universe (maybe even in our own Solar System, if they find life in Europa's subterranean oceans), but I think it's a bit far-fetched to assume that we've been visited here on Earth.

    Part of the problem is evolution.  Have you ever noticed that most of these space aliens look suspiciously human?  Even if they have big buggy eyes and only a slit for a mouth, the eyes and mouth are still in relatively the same position as they would be on a human.  They also usually have two arms and two legs, just like humans, and they seem to be able to handle our atmosphere just fine.  They aren't bothered by the pressure, temperature, or makeup of the air around them.

    But think about likely is it that Earth is very similar to their homeworld?  If these aliens come from a planet orbiting Zeta Reticuli (or any other star, for that matter), what are the odds that that planet has a similar atmosphere, similar temperature, similar gravity, and so on, so that they could walk around on Earth without full-body environmental suits?  They would have evolved to adapt to their own planet's special ecosystem (unless they had been here for a LONG time) and it really isn't likely that they would look like us, even a little bit, or be able to survive unassisted on our planet's surface.

    Therefore, take it with a grain of salt whenever somebody claims to have seen an alien that resembles a human and walks around without a full-body spacesuit.  Unless they were somehow genetically engineered to survive here, it just isn't likely.

  3. no they do not exist.  don't you have a job?

  4. the paisley aliens are nice.  they always bring sandwiches.  nothing meat, tho, just cucumber, mostly.  its the roughage, you see.  you can't get enough fiber in your diet when you are an imaginary, made-up being.  oops.

  5. Go to google video and watch "The Disclosure Project."

    The first guy talking was a Brigadier General. Everyone interviewed has a confirmed military or government background. It is pretty interesting.

  6. Good and Evil are a matter of perception only.

  7. I'm not familiar with where they come from but I have met some of these people.Much of what people refer to  with the praying mantis and other similar creatures is typically  fake and only meant  to scare and mislead  people as to their real appearance. Supposedly, there are around 28 or more different looking species who might actually be from the same location or planet. If you have ever seen the Island of Doctor Moreau you might understand what I'm referring to. If these people had actually looked like these insects than I seriously doubt they would have ever been able to produce the technology needed to come here. Appearances can and have been deceiving. These people watch our science fiction movies too.

  8. A binary star system that lies about 39 light years from Earth in the constellation Reticulum; it is just visible to the unaided eye under very dark skies. Zeta1 Ret and Zeta2 Ret are both yellow dwarf stars similar to the Sun but older, with an age of as much as 8 billion years old. Zeta1 is slightly less massive and luminous than the Sun; Zeta2 is very similar to the Sun in both mass and luminosity. The two stars revolve around each other with an orbital period of at least one million years at a mean distance of 9,000 AU. They belong to the Zeta Herculis stellar moving group.

    The Greys, also known as Roswell aliens (eyes) -- Zetas (zero point) -- and Reticulians (reptiles, snakes, coiling, spiraling DNA), are extraterrestrial life forms that allegedly appear in modern UFO conspiracy theories and other UFO-related paranormal phenomena. They make up approximately 75% of all aliens reported in the US, 20% of all aliens reported in Mainland Europe, and 12% of all aliens reported in Britain. In American popular culture they have replaced little green men as the most typical extraterrestrial life form experienced in abduction and in general seen in eye-witness accounts.

    check the links,for more  info;

  9. Theoretically, any significantly advanced alien civalization could exist without the knowledge of a sufficiently primitive one.  But their existence has never been scientifically proven, and it is unlikely  that another species would limit their interaction with another race to abducting it's hundreds of it's members for involuntary probing and/or constructing grand conspiracies to gain something that they could probably just take by force or theft. And concerning morality, an entire culture cannot be evil in it's own right because morality  is relative.

  10. If I was an alien,I would stay the heck away from Earth.

  11. the internet can be a useful tool for digging up information. but just as there are many informational treasure to find, there's also alot of useless, junk, dirt.

    as for the greys...well...don't count on trying to meet any zeta reticulians any time soon.

  12. Maybe you can get more information from the UFO Burlington UFO and Paranormal Research and Educational Center at their website-

  13. Any website about Space aliens is illegitimate.By virtue of it's subject.There is no evidence Space aliens are here.

  14. Haha!  In asking a question about--not just aliens, but by some wackadoo version of aliens--you used the word legitimate.  That's hilarious.

  15. There are no legitimate websites, because they don't exist.  People have way too much time on their hands.

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