
Do They Know She is Gone?

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My oldest dog passed away today and now I can't call my dogs inside the house.Hedi always had a particular spot that she laid in outside and now two of my dogs are siting in that same spot and aren't listening to me.Do you think that they know she has passed or are they just disobeying me




  1. There's no doubt about it -- dogs grieve, too.

    Here's an article that you might be interested in:

  2. yes im sure they know.. if you are feeling grief about your precious dogs passing, your dogs can feel it too..  

  3. Sorry for your loss. Of course they know, they are probably sitting in it as a way of letting you know that they miss her too and are morning her.  Animals are very intuitive and can sense when something is wrong.  They know that she's hasn't been outside and so sense that she's gone to Rainbow Bridge.  Let them morn her in their own way and don't try to get them to move as your other dogs need to mourn her passing too.

  4. They know. Dogs together in the family are really close. Like they are real family. try to comfort them.

  5. I personally think the dogs know she is gone, however whether or not they know she is not coming back is another story. They are probably going thru some anxiety. I don't think they are just disobeying you--give them some time and extra play sessions, this helped my dog when I lost my younger one to cancer. Some dogs don't seem to notice but others due. Try to be understanding and just give them lots and lots of love.  

  6. When Boris had to be pts 3.5 years after being diagnosed with cancer, Becky who was one year younger was quite subdued and would look around hopefully when someone mentioned his name. I kept to the same routine and in time she bounced back.

  7. No I think they know she has passed. maybe all of your dogs are friends to each other and they treat each other like bro and sis. They have several changes in their environment and their lost dog. If then, you can take to the vet and ask her.

  8. yes they oldest dog had a strange attachment with one of the chickens..and the chicken died (natural) she would sit in the coop for hrs on end, wouldn't eat, or took her awhile but she got over it  

  9. It has been studied, and results lead to show that dogs definitely feel and react to the loss of a pack memeber, whether canine, or human.  There are often even physical changes, related to stress.

  10. Hi Johnny...I'm so sorry that Heidi has passed.

    Dogs mourn death just like people do, and it's very possible that they are trying to cope with her loss the same as you are.

    I hope you and the dogs are feeling better soon :)

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