
Do Ticas like Gringos?

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Do Ticas like Gringos?




  1. I have found them to be some of the most polite people on earth.  Even with the language barrier I manged to make friends there with little effort.  I also found many gringos and expatriate Brits while there. Everyone was great even the teenagers.

  2. Like any country that has legalised prostitution be wary.  Tica's are known for the affinity to American men, and while this does not include all women, it is a reputation that reflects poorly on this country's rich culture.  Tica's are know for being warm, generous and kind, but watch out.  You will not only run into the open prostitutes but also into women who seem to be honest and sincere, but are truly looking for sugar daddy's to support them.  Your biggest challenge will be staying clear of these types of cons.  Watch out for things like "I am sick and I have no money for the doctor."  Costa Rica has socialised medicine.  You may be hit with hard luck stories about rent, utilities etc., lack or work etc.  Generally speaking these types of women will have several men on the hook, know exactly what to say to make you feel "special."

    So if all you are looking for is to go have a nice vacation, meet some nice people and leave it behind, you should have nothing to worry about.  Unfortunately be cautious with whom you hook up with and always be safe.

    I speak from experience, and several thousand dollars later, I finally saw the light.  Not all women in Costa Rica are like this, but if anyone tells you hard luck stories, whether they openly, or subliminally ask you for help, you better run as quickly as you can.

  3. some do, some don't plain & simple.

  4. unlike the narrowminded person above me, ticas like whoever treat them good and respect them  and will not be surprised for dollars because there are ticas who leave a good life specially the middle and upper class so they could care less about money. (The guy above me never traveled obviously).  Besides, they live by the beach and in a nice country with access to everything.

    People like foreigners cause they are different and people are courious. They speak other language, come from other countries, totally new experience....very attracting if you ask me.

  5. Ticas and ticos like good and nice people, that s all.

  6. I've been to Costa Rica several times and have found the ladies there gracious, genuine, and kind.  There are women there for the first doofus as well.

  7. We are a friendly and nice people, we like every one who come in pace to enjoy this country.

  8. personally I dont find them very attractive physically. I like more brunnetes, bronzed bodies haha lol! but by getting to know the person and all that a "gringo" might be very attractive. like every place on earth a person is attractive by the complimment of their charisma and personality.

  9. As an American who spent six months in the beautiful, amazing country of Costa Rica, let me tell you that yes, the Ticas LOVE gringos... but aren't so fond of American women (gringas).  And it wasn't the language barrier... porque yo hablo español perfectamente bien.  In my opinion, it was more of a competitive thing... which was funny b/c all the Americans I met in CR weren't the least bit interested in hooking up with other Americans LOL. Myself included!  

    All the Costa Ricans I befriended while there were male... with the exception of one.  Apparently, the ticOs (men) love the gringAs (women) too :)

    And honestly, the more American you look and sound, the more they will love you!  You will have an awesome time there... just seriously remember that it *is* still considered a 3rd world country, and in some places that is more evident and prevalent than others.

  10. We like them if they got tons of money.

  11. Ticas like anyone (and anything) with a minimum of $5 American dollars.
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