
Do Toronto Maple Leaf fans even care that Ron Wilson was named coach ?

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It's not as if he is going to be able to make many changes, his hands will be tied the same as Ferguson...




  1. I think Ron Wilson wasn't to blame for San Jose's constant playoff meltdowns and I wasn't surprised to see any big market team pick him up BUT the Leafs combining with Wilson sounds like a train wreck about to happen.  I don't think his coaching will hurt the Leafs but he can't take the media... He is the whiniest and most defensive coach in the league when he is in front of a microphone.  The Toronto press will eat his liver... and he will let them come for seconds.  It'll be interesting at least.

    I think the fans will start to care if he wins.... but anytime Wilson's teams falter he whines and I don't know if the Leafs will take it as long as the Sharks did.

  2. #1...There are no TRUE Leaf "Fans"....they are "fanatics". If they were true fans they wouldn't put up with the c**p that I have witnessed over the last 41 years.

    #2... Ron got fed a line or two and got suckered into the bottomless pit of Leaf coaches.

    **** "High talented"???????

  3. Why would you think for one Wilson couldn't make some needed changes. He's a great hockey mind. Yes, if the Leafs trade Sundin and Mcabe it will free up a lot of cap space. I for one would HATE to see Sundin go, but if they are looking for the future so be it.

  4. I'm surprised he didn't try to contact the looked like for a while he was trying to get fired by every California team.

  5. Huge difference between Wilson as a coach and JFJ as a GM.

    Wilson is coming in with credentials and experience. JFJ came in on economy class. Making changes are not the coach's job, that's the gm's job. Something Ferguson was not very good at. While his hands were tied, they should have been chopped off at the shoulders. It's going to be a slow process, but the Leafs are going to be a different organization. And better.  

    Also, a coach's, or any management, salary does not count against the cap. Trust me, money is not an issue here.

  6. He may not be able to make any player changes as far as personnel are concerned, but he knows what he is doing. When he was the coach of my beloved Caps he worked wonders in DC. Who knows. He may be that spark that the well paid and high talent Leafs squad needs. Also ditto on the 'fanatics' comment above.

  7. im a huge leafs fan and i think i care because of his experience as a coach he had coached the San Jose Sharks to a lot of play off hockey so if they rebuild this team which they will. When leafs get good enough to go to playoffs they would be excellent because of rons experience. in my opinion ron wilson is better then paul maurice so i think it will help.

  8. He will be fired after the first day.

    I doubt that any "true" Leafs fans care.

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