
Do Turkish women like tattoos?

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are they aloud to have them, like make up tattoo.

Actually it is called permanent make up, it is done on lips, eyes and eyebrows, less frequently on cheecks as blush example .....

Do you know salons or cosmetic clinics where this are done in your country ?




  1. yessss ceartainly

  2. There are many many salons in Turkey woh does that..I think most Turkish girls likes tattos but they are not mad as europeans. (sensible tattos. for me I like a women natural. no tattoos.

  3. yes I really love it I have an tattoo on my back.

  4. Turkish women likes tatoos. You can find salons almost in each city.

  5. Well yes but Turkey is a big country.For where you are asking? If you are going to be at some touristic place like Antalya,Bodrum, they are at every corner.Impossible for you to miss.

  6. Of course we know what a permanent make-up is.

    In Turkey, nearly in every beauty center or cosmetic saloon, they apply permanent or semi-permanent make-up. It's Turkish is "KALICI MAKYAJ".

    If you need addresses, well, you have to be more specific, like which city in Turkey?

  7. If I were a female Turk, I'd Have the face of Attaturk tattooed an me bum!

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