
Do U Think That We R Losers 4 Being Here , Do U Really Think We Should Get A Life ?

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I Mean Seriously I'm So Addicted To Y!A Just Like Every One Else ...

So Do U Think We Should Get A Life ?




  1. I know you are a loser.

    You need to get a life and learn how to speak, and spell.

  2. Speak for yourself. I'm not that weak minded to let it control me!

  3. I'm not addicted but I'm sick right now and my laptop was right there so I can still lay in bed and do something so here I am.

  4. I have tried getting a life before... It didn't work out that well. So I'm going to stay here

  5. Nahh I like coming on here it relieves the boredom and its fun=p  

  6. I've been here for 13 months now lmao!

    It's a part of everyday life.. Duh!

  7. nah its all good, atleast were still socializing...kinda

  8. Never! This is my home! :]

  9. this IS our life brothah   !!  >.<

  10. ya who cares though, were the cool losers lol seriously this is a better way to relax and relieve stress than what lots of other people do

  11. Totally. And I'm probably the 2nd biggest loser here.

  12. No only you

  13. I don't think we are losers.

    I am very very addicted to Y!A. I use it everyday.

    Maybe I should get a life, go out more and that stuff, but I'm happy here.

    I don't see what's wrong with me spending my time here. Is not like I have a very busy social life or anything else to do.  

  14. Yep.

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