
Do U believe there is only one God? so why there is so many types of religion (Buddha, Hindu,Christianity & ..

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Do U believe there is only one God? so why there is so many types of religion (Buddha, Hindu,Christianity & ..




  1. One sided Deity would be awfully limited, and that contradict idea of infinite God...

  2. its like a foot ball team. they are made up of many different people.each year the team has different people from the last years team

    each team see how to get to the goal line differently.

    so each group in each country has different traditions and see how to get to god differently. all so some people have a lot of mountains and others have the oceans, so location alters there terminology all so.

    the mountain god

    the ocean god


  3. Yes. Because we have an enemy who wants to prevert the things that God has set in order. This enemy removed himself from his appointed place, was cast out of his home and wants to subvert everything that God cares about and has set in order. Misery loves company.His tactics are to subvert the truth or pose questions about what God has implicitly said. Thats how he was able to put Adam and Eve in the wrong place. By saying HAS God said you shouldnt eat of this tree? And then lying. " God knows that the day you eat from this tree you will have know knowledge and will be as God. Yeah they received knowledge all right, knowledge of a place they were totally unprepared for. Subverting the truth is an old tactic our enemy uses. So getting people to believe there is more than one way to God is just par for the enemies course.

  4. Yes, I believe there is only one God.  However, God and how to worship isn't exactly clear.  I believe each religion worships the same God but by different names.  Different religions appear due to the fact that humans are not perfect and therefore will never completely agree with each other.  

    Thanks to free will, God allows us to worship him in the ways we interpret.  As time has passed, different ideas and interpretations of religion have led to different types of religionn and God or even gods.  However, if you truly look at religions with multiple gods, you will see that they are normally governed by one main God.

    Take for instance the Bible and all the religions centered around different interpretations.  Since there is no set manual for religion, you can't expect there to be one clear way to worship or even a clear picture of who to worship.

    It all comes down to what you believe and why you believe it.

  5. "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet, helps explain.

  6. i believe in one GOD but people centuries back didnt believe in one GOD. they followed what their ancestors told them and those ancestors were very discriminative. racist kind of people.......

    there are many people who still believe in their god and doesnt believe in one GOD.......

  7. because there are so many people and those gods are all made up ideas

  8. I don't believe in gods personally although I can see that they exist in other people's minds so are to some extent a reality.

    yes I would have thought that the existence of 30,000 plus extraneous gods would have given people pause to think about the dynamics of belief in one god - but faith is a powerful tool that can cut logic to shreds merely in the time it takes to create another god.

  9. I am a Christian.

    I am a bit liberal thinking that there is one God and different paths to Him.

    Every people have a creation story, a world wide flood story- a God- moral guidelines- and a after life belief.

    One God- many people

  10. Why is this question in philosophy? Try R&S. After all it is so damed obvious that there is no god.

  11. Yes.

    true, they are many religions, but only one religion that believe there is only one God.

    because other than the nature of human to find God, another part of it is the desire to "be God". since there are many human, that explains the existence of few numbers of religions.

    it always take one to be original among the many.

  12. religions are creations of man.thats what they cannot stand the test of science.

    but budhism gives a reasonable way of living

  13. "God" isn't like other objects that we can think and discuss. The term for god is not used like an ordinary word; it's a placeholder for the ineffable. Therefore, we communicate about god in semi-metaphors and narratives, always indirectly, never exactly literally. These stories and allusions are designed by their wise authors to resonate with a contemporary audience and to affirm cultural values. Different cultures will "get it" better if the communication is in terms that they can relate to their lives, society, and experiences. So you get different religions. A problem comes up when certain religions become reliant on holy texts, to the point where the text is fossilized in its use of an archaic narrative, and believers are obliged to blindly accept that it is gospel rather than understanding it. But if you can understand the meaning that motivates all religious myths, you'd see clearly that they all say the same thing at their core - they're all about the same "god."

  14. God means entire Universe. You too a part of God. Suppose You are a Vehicle Seller. When somebody prays God for a Vehicle You are the person who give the vehicle. Everybody understands same Universal Strength as God. But in different Names

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