
Do U think an old school bare knuckle champion ?

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like John L.Sullivan would stand a better chance against M.M.A. compared to glove champions and those rules?




  1. Definately,these old schoolers invented dirty boxing,plus they were fighting over 15 rounds.They were using shoe leather or old tires for mouthpieces,they were just plain tough.

  2. You could say that MMA is the progression from bare-knuckles boxing..which was boxing/wrestling. John L. arguably was the first MMA champ.

  3. Old school boxing, people say they could go 30 rounds. And they did go 30 rounds + sometimes.

    But heres the thing, a fighter then might have thrown 5 or 6 punches a round. More often then not a fighter would break his hand, so If your throwing only 5 to 10 punches a wouldnt be hard to go 100 rounds.

    Because fights went so long and were so boring because of the lack of action. Boxing  gloves were invented to protect the fighters hands so they could throw more punches.

    With the invention of the boxing glove came braindamage. With gloves boxers get hit more often then with bareknuckle. A glove has a greater volum then a fist so when you get hit with a glove compared to a fist, the glove smashes your brain around in your skull.

    A bare fist punch has less force, and covers less area then a glove. Cuts and bruisers were more frequent, but brain damage and knockouts were less frequent.

    There was not much skill and their conditioning was far less superior to modern fighters. Training techniques have changed as well. Bareknucle boxers were nothing more then local tough guys who more often then not threw fights betting on the other guy.

    So would a bareknuckle boxer be better then a modern boxer in a MMA match? No. A modern boxer would be stronger, faster and much more skilled.

    and boxing is part of a MMA, Mixed Martial Arts, boxing is a martial art..... Most MMA fighters have a little expereince in different forms of fighting, but the boxer would be a master of his craft. If he could train to avoid takedowns a boxer would punch alot of MMA fighters to peaices if the MMA fighter couldnt get close enough to take him down.

    If Chuck Liddle could do it, a boxer in better shape and superior hand eye coordination and super reflexes could probubly avoid take downs by alot of MMA fighters.

    But when it comes right down to it, Its the individual that matters.

  4. There style would definitly translate better because they were more brawlers then "sweet science" boxers.

    But there always been a misconception that barenuckle fighting was more dangeriouse or tougher. That is far from the truth. In fact Nat Fleischer, creator of The Ring, wrote that in 30 years of glove fighting been more deaths and injurry then bare-nuckle.

    Gloves protect a fighters hands more then they protect the person they are hitting. Bare-nuckle fighters usually did body shots and avoided the head to preserve their hands. Now, with gloves, fighters, especially the lightweight ones, take hundreds of shots to the head in a career.

  5. Just to add to what ruddrigger said really...fighting is getting more scientific and is evolving-people are in better shape they have more knowledge about training and diet, etc. MMA is perhaps the finest example of this and watching the UFC1 UFC2 fights compared to the recent ones....honestly there's a massive difference in skills and fitness levels and thats like 15 years.

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