
Do U think st barnard puppies R adorible??????

by Guest61323  |  earlier

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Do U think st barnard puppies R adorible??????




  1. no, not really.

  2. You said PUPPIES and I think puppies are one of the CUTEST most ADORABLE things that ever walked the planet : )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST THINKING ABOUT THEM makes me want to get one!!! We have a dog and I LOVE her (she's about as tall as to my knee, 2/3 years old) but she's not really a puppy anymore..Canines are AWESOME!

  3. Who doesn't think puppies are cute.  But I do have to say I'm curious as to why you put this in St. Patrick's Day?

  4. yahhhhhh i want one

  5. I do agree they are so adorable

  6. oh yes, they are huge though. they'd end up taking you for a walk instead of you taking them :O)

  7. i think they are sooo cute! I would love to have one! They remind my of Beethoven! lol =)

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