
Do UFO exist or is it myth?according to u if they come,from where they come?

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Do UFO exist or is it myth?according to u if they come,from where they come?




  1. i've seen a UFO and so has people i know and i believe them..... people say no but sometimes its really hard not to believe.....

  2. I think its a myth.. But then again sometimes i question if their are other life forms in the universe. If i do see something flying in the sky that looks weird i just think its an airplane and move on with my life.

  3. Come on... let us analyze the situation like this...

    Our Earth has life.....

    There are at least 10 billion planets in our galaxy...

    There are at least 1 billion such galaxies...

    So that makes it 10000000000000000000 planets

    that we can predict (Many more may exist!)

    and we do not know if this the only dimension.....

    Theories are that we can travel in other dimensions through worm holes..(They are objects in the space made of black holes and white holes)

    So, it is not possible that our Earth is the only planet where life exists! So life exists on other planets... but the UFO theory cannot be confirmed....

    Spiritual Regression has also stated that many more universes and worlds in this universe exist with intelligent life forms! (Both Physical and Mental Worlds)..

    So Life does exist...

  4. There is life beyond earth on universe n UFO's come from there.

  5. God knows. They come from Unknow Foreign Office.

  6. UFO's exist without question.  If you see an object that is flying and you can't identify it, then it is an unidentified flying object.  That doesn't necessarily mean it is an alien spaceship.

    I do, however, believe that aliens exist and have been visiting Earth for thousands of years.  They may come from Zeta Reticuli, or somewhere else.  There are probably many intelligent races out there.  Considering the more than 70 sextillion stars in the known universe and the 100 - 200 billion stars in or Galaxy, it would be unreasonable to think we are the only intelligent life to have developed.

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