
Do UFOs exist? If yes, Y would they EVER wanna mate with humans. And what do people that make such claims win?

by Guest32138  |  earlier

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Do UFOs exist? If yes, Y would they EVER wanna mate with humans. And what do people that make such claims win?




  1. UFO's are unidentified flying Objects, and some haven't been identified yet, but they could all be. There are no spaceships from distant planets flying around here and doing silly things. why would other creatures want to mate with humans? Would you want to mate with the weird creatures in grade Z movies? What do people win? I think they should win an all expenses paid long vacation at the nearest nut house.

  2. You have to ask yourself, if intelligent life existed why would they come here?

    Those claiming to have been abducted get notoriety that's what they want.

  3. Of course UFO's exist. It means unidentified flying object and there lots of them.

    Do aliens exist? Likely. Have they ever been here? Maybe.

    Do they want to mate with us? No. No. No³³³³.

  4. to make the human race better

  5. Yes, I'm sure UFOs exist.  It would be very conceited of us to believe that Earth is the only inhabited planet in the universe.  It would be no surprise to find out that another planet's inhabitants are more advanced than we are.  

    Would they want to mate with humans?  Possibly, although I suspect that most people making those claims are either attention-seeking or delusional.  If alien abductions are real, the few real incidents are lost among the many false stories.

  6. Yes, UFOs do exist.  So does some form of life exist on other planets  but not the way we would assume.  Probably be impossible to mate with humans.  What chance of survival would an alien have on Earth with the way people's minds think?  Many would kill first, then ask questions later.  They are smart to stay away from Earth!

  7. Because people who say it are seeking attention

    Aliens almost definately exist, but UFO's would imply that they have been in the earths atmosphere, and they are flying around (hence Unidentified FLYING objects).

    Intelligent life outside this solar system Does exist, I'm sure, but not technologically advanced enough to visit us.

    People referring to all aliens as UFO's annoy me.


  8. Yes UFOs exist.  Would, for example, this many police officers lie? :

    Aliens, but not UFOs, don't necessarily directly 'mate' with humans but engage in various hybridisation experiments with us.  Probably for the same sort of reason humans do freaky experiments with genetics on our own stock, but also possibly as some sort of project involving a biological upgrade involving either us, them, or both.

    As someone noted, they probably can't survive in our biosphere, so certainly some sort of genetic enhancement would be needed for them to land openly.  Remember the mistakes the Martians made in War of the Worlds.  These aliens are not so naiive.  They are preparing properly.

    People who make such claims usually experience a lifetime of ridicule and fear, if it ever becomes public, so it is not lightly that most people make these claims and come forward.

  9. I they looked like JLH I'd gladly impregnate the alien with my terrestrial s***n.

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