
Do US and UK want to start the World War III with China ?

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It seems to me that current anti-China and anti-Chinese campaign has been done in the name of supporting the Tibetan exiles. But it runs parallel with US and UK’s World War I, II and the Cold War propaganda.

As for the World War I and II, the propaganda had been for involving America in the bloodshed and hatreds of Europe. It had been the same as that was waged in the Cold War against the USSR(Russia now is called).

Right now it was being used to push and prepare the US and UK public for a future war against China. To do that the US and UK have to stir up the public’s hatred and the racial contempt for anything of China and of the Chinese.




  1. There is a question person could ask which is that if a Referendum on the separation  of Quebec from Canada could be held then why not one for Tibet. Why is China so different than Canada. China is of a great size true but that should not matter. The strange thing is when someone does propose a referendum it would be something people would act like it was a great triumph for democracy when Canada has been having their own throughout The 1990's or at least the last one was then. But if it was China people act like this would be different. Strange.  Makes a person wonder if people will think the same with Canada on Quebec and not know about those either. The Eu has Referendums on different issues  as well like The Constitution of The EU but ones nontheless. Everybody does.

  2. no, china don't  want a world war .

  3. America is too busy importing cheap goods from China to worry about going to war with them. Get out of your house and grab a bit of fresh air. Not all of life is conspiracy theories.

  4. No way, we want the Middle East, we want to own it all lock stock and barrel rather than be in a bidding war w. China for their oil.  Any excuse will see us (very badly) occupying further countries there w. the effect of giving OPEC yet more power until the majority are under our control.  War w. China would be absolutely futile, they have more potential foot soldiers than the rest of the world put together excluding India.  We do need fair reciprocal import/export taxes w. China and we will be forced to fight (commercially) for that or we will be subsumed by the law of the economics of scale.

    China won't want war w. us anymore than we do as long as the world economy holds up.  An economic depression on the 1929 scale will cause mass starvation then anything including world war can come out of that.  Where it would start can only be guessed at.  Trade wars have stoked Capitalist economy depressions on a smaller scale previous to 1929 so we have to tread lightly and carry a big stick.

  5. No, I don't think so, they're just doing cover-up... for their other intentions...not with China, you know....

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