
Do US presidents have the same level of curiosity for UFO's/aliens as compared to us regular joes?

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well, the reason i ask is- being the most powerful person in the world how easy he could obtain these informations from the so called agencies that deal with this (Roswell incidents, and other sightings that were claimed to be documented).

if you were in their shoes, how should you react to that? not necessarily you have to make it public your findings or share it to close relatives, but EVEN JUST TO YOURSELF to be not able to deny the curiosity that's just human nature.

i do not believe in UFO, though




  1. I guess they are human too. Maybe if it were true it could be kept secret from the president.

    I don't know if I believe it all...but if it was true and was kept all that hush, hush...maybe the who evers are, will keep it secret from the president...but he might know.

  2. It was said that when Jimmy Carter became president

    he ask the CIA to brief him on UFOs

    And was disappointed, when they told him, there were no such things.

  3. He's not the most powerful person in any way.... The president doesnt even run the country... Thats all a cover up... He follows the demands of the people behind him.... Hes the front man so that everyone else has a finger to point at someone when **** goes wrong or against the people... He has limited say in really serious matters.... Look it up.... But to answer your questions.... I doubt he or any other president knows to be honest.... There isnt a constant bases where all information is leaked to the president because  there has to be some things he doesnt know... He isnt going to be the president forever and if the government is hiding things like that they wouldnt tell him so that the moment he is taken out of office he can tell everyone in his home town or his best friends who will tell their friends and spread so on...  

  4. depend on the individual. as after Eisenhower the president is no longer informed about any such top secret information. it's to much of a security risk. sorry to say but the president is nothing more than the smiling face on tv. the people that really run the country are kept secret.  analysts estimate 27 levels above the president. believe it or not he's told what to say and do. also Unidentified Flying Objects do exist our government and nasa build them.  

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