
Do Vampires Exist?

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im just curious to see responses...




  1. you all are f*****g crazy if i was a vampire i would be like raziel from LOK

  2. can some one tell me if you can get turned in to one or is it just a medical disorder

  3. can some one tell me if you can get turned in to one or is it just a medical disorder

  4. i think vamps exist but i dought anyone who claim they r vamps arent telling the truf

  5. Well, lemme tell you this story.

    There was a girl who "died" from blood loss. But it's q***r, because it's like she didn't die.

    She would go into a family member's bedroom, sit on top of the person in bed, and drain all the energy from them every night. That's how the siblings explained it. The family MUST have felt her body. They went to see her coffin and she was in there. I can't remember all the details, but there was something strange and different.

    Eventually all her family members died of blood loss.

    What did ya think? It's a true story. It happened in Rhode Island.

  6. i,m a vampire myself

  7. I am not a vampire myself and as awesome as that does appeal to me i would not care to be one with all the research ive done. I have read about a psychological disorder that makes people believe theyre vampires i personally do not like that idea. I dont have many answers but i do believe in them and i believe they were put here for a purpose most of the time they dont intend to hurt anyone. One thing that does bug me is the aging thing i don't get that. I can understand the need for blood i just dont get the whole slow down aging if someone has an answer to this please comment
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