
Do Vanish really work for anyone.?

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i have tried this stain removal stuff several times. I cant even get tomato pip stain of my cotton hospital uniform. ive mixed it according to the instructions, then put measured amount in washing machine, but the tomato stain is still there? I wondered if anyone else has succeeded in removing tomato stains




  1. I think it depends on the fabric type, and how set in the stain is.. I use Vanish Oxi Action Powerball and it's pretty good on most things, also I've noticed that sometimes even if it hasn't got a stain out completely, the stain looks a lot less noticable when the garment is dry.

  2. I've tried it and think its not good at all.

    I use Soda Crystals to get stains out of clothes.You can also put it in the drawer of the washing machine to help with stains. Its great for grease, blood, ink, tea and coffee stains.

    You can make up a strong solution for putting down blocked sinks and drains.

    Its a fantastic product and only cost about 50p a packet from most supermarkets.  

  3. I've tried various Vanish products and thought they were all a bit rubbish!

    My fave stain remover is Stain Devil... they have different types for a range of different stains (can buy them in most supermarkets)

    I had a bolognase sauce stain on a white vest, tried everything to remove it... nothing worked but then eventually I used a Stain Devil and it worked a treat, no sign of the stain at all! (and considering that was after about five washes and other treatments, I was impressed!)

  4. The only way I've ever managed to get stains out with Vanish is if i put it on the stain neat and scrub it with a nail brush before washing.

    The stuff is weak, yet it'll take the skin off your fingers quick enough.

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