
Do Vegetarians think differently than Meat eaters?

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Can food influence your thoughts?




  1. about food yes. About everything else, doubtful.

  2. OK, let´s see this from my point of view.

    I'm a meat lover.

    My sis is a Vegetarian.

    I eat all kind of meat, well, fish I don´t like that much.

    My sis eats nothing but greens and soy based protein food. Some cheese, but mostly white.

    Yes we think dif, not only because I'm a guy and she´s a girl, but for example, with food, she gets disgusted when we pass a food stand (meat always), and I start buying stuff. When we go to one of her dinning places, I don´t complain, but there is no taste in her food.

    Besides, we do think dif, act dif, meat does make you more....not violent, hmmm, active!

    If you ask me, I think we meat eaters get the better deal of everything, we eat our food and their food, HAHAHAHAHA.

  3. Defo. Yesterday I was an occassional meat eater and I had a veggie dish for dinner. Today I'm going veggie for a trial experiment and would eat a nun's ar$e through a convent gate.

  4. No.

  5. I think the only real difference is that meat eaters are likely to want to maintain a state of ignorance. Whenever I start to talk about animals everyone shouts "I don't want to know!" because if they destroy their ignorance around the issue, they might feel like giving up meat, which is perhaps too great a sacrifice. People who want to know as much information as possible about these issues so that they can make 'the right decision' are perhaps more likely to become vegetarian since they will have additional information on cruelty with which to make their judgement.

    I don't think that vegetarianism causes these differences though, just that people who are more interested in finding out the truth about food will then be more inclined to become vegetarian than those who would rather just 'tuck in' without knowing the details about how that tasty burger stopped skipping around a field.

    NB: I'm not saying vegetarianism is the right way (although I personally believe that it is), but that certain types of people are more likely to seriously consider it.

  6. Like the first poster said, about food definitely. There are so many reasons why people become vegetarians you can't possibly consider them all to have the same train of thought. As far as the link to vegetarians being smarter,well that's like a lot of things where you take a group of people who are more inclined to do something (like say taking an advanced physics class)....if you examined them vs say the people taking geology 101 (i.e. rocks) than they are going to be comparitively smarter. Many vegetarians (for health reasons) are educated about what food does to their bodies so if you compared their intelligence to people who eat cheetos, they might have the upper hand.

  7. Your still an omnivore, who has chosen to eat veggies instead of meat. I don't think there would be any changes in your neurology, but it would make for an interesting study. There would definately be psychological changes.

  8. yes. apparently tuna helps brain power but vegetarians dont eat fish but were clever from the other stuff we eat (more vegetables). n i think alot of vegetarians thought is influenced by their diet. thoughts to do with animals cruelty etc.

  9. Yes, vegetarians are way morrrrrrrre smarter than meat eaters, becuase they think what their doing to their body and to the enviroment as well.

    Carnivores are just plain stupid. They are neglegent and say. "god put animals are earth to eat". Well if you do your research you will see that people only started eating meat after noahs ark landed and all vegetation had died. It was than that god gave permission to eat the animals.

    Go veggies!!!!!!!!!

    wooooooooot woooooooooooooooot

  10. No they dont, who cares if you are a carnivore or vegetarian we are people we think mostly alike. We are not what we eat as most people say we are what we eat. you may be a vegetarian coz your muslim or some other religious thing you may be a carnivore coz you like meat more than veggies. ok that was my opinion and i didnt mean to offend anyone. Hope I Helped ^_^

  11. Research shows that Vegetarians are smarter.

    Leonardo Da Vinci was vegetarian and Einstein eventually converted.

    "It is my view that the vegetarian manner of living, by its purely physical effect on the human temperament, would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind."

    - Albert Einstein

    edit: Why the thumbs down? haha

    I just pointed out the results from studies that have been performed. What if I had put a link showing that studies prove that cigarettes cause lung cancer? Would you give me thumbs down for that too? Then how is this different?

    Well, if you smoked you might give me thumbs down, just like if you eat meat you might give me thumbs down. Doesn't mean you're right, just means you're biased because of your position. I didn't make this up, I simply googled it. Not my fault they PROVED that vegetarians are IN GENERAL smarter. Charles Manson and Pol Pot had the ability to make people follow them and do horrible things for what they wanted done. Your average person would not have that ability. I don't think it's because they were vegetarians, but who knows. They may have been complete psychos but I wouldn't say they were unintelligent. The ones who followed them certainly were for being so easily brainwashed. Einstein and Leonardo were just examples because they were very outspoken about it. Pol Pot and Charles Manson were very outspoken about killing people and doing what they wanted to do...bad things. Besides, that's not a very good example. There are ton's of people who eat meat who are probably smarter than tons of people who are vegetarians. Education obviously plays a role in this. The study took thousands of people and maybe a few of those vegetarians were the dumbest people on earth, but MAJORITY were smarter than MAJORITY of the meat eaters. Hey man, that's science. How can you argue with it? If you want to disprove it, I suggest you conduct your own study. I mean, you must know better than all these dumb scientists right? What do they know? They only make a living from it. I don't eat red meat, but I'm not vegetarian so I'm taking an unbiased stance on this. I still eat fish and they say people who eat fish are exactly the same as meat eaters, so don't feel bad. We are both in the same intelligence category. I just googled "Vegetarians Smarter" and I found alot more results proving that's the case than the opposition. Sorry  : * (

    In short, I think meat clogs arteries and veins more than vegetables would, so that means less oxygen getting to the brain.

  12. I think so. I think vegetarians have more optimism and positiveness.

  13. yes..

    other meat eaters think differently from other meat eaters too.. and other vegetarians think differently from other vegetarians as well

    Vegetarians smarter because DA Vinci and Einstein were vegetarians???? Pol Pot was a vegan/vegetarian and so is Charles Manson. Can we also assume then that vegetarians are also psychotic mass murderers??

  14. likely, because their lack of meat in their diet makes them nuts

  15. Certainly yes.

    Once you become aware of one form of oppression, you're more likely to recognize it in other forms.

  16. The way you approach your life to be more mindful of things (at least i do) the world as a whole should be respected and we as humans should give it as much respect as possible but i don't think i go about my life differently as others in the widest regard

  17. The diet itself may not have at a chemical level.  However when I found the strength to go against the majority, it opened my mind:  maybe I don't have to do what my parents, my spouse, or my TV tells me to.     It also sparked an interest in nutrition, food, cooking, and health that I never had before.

  18. It's the other way around. Thinking about things is what makes people vegetarian.

  19. the answer is not simple because it is a little bit of both.

    The reasons: nutrition, ethics, choice.

    Nutrition can be a solid reason,  because with there are many factors to the diet and the thought process. If the cerebellum is not receiving the required nutrients, the whole concept of balance becomes difficult. If the Medulla is not treated right, you will feel too hot or too cold. The thalamus is sort of the base camp for information. If a balanced diet is met, being either a vegetarian or a meat-eater is a moot point. As long as the body has the fuel to run its machine, it is happy. There are different points of view, however; take for example body builders: they depend on a high protein amino acid diet to restore muscle mass. This can be found in a ready supply of meat; on the same hand, however, there can be protein in abundance in a vegetarian diet, if the person is careful. Meat is an easier, less maintenance way to build muscle. On the same note, there is more fat and cholesterol in many meat products. However, provided the person is knowledgeable about what he or she eats, the body doesn't really care provided it gets proper fuel.


    If you have a moral issue with eating meat, then you will likely feel better being a vegetarian than being a meat eater. You can come to associate positive thoughts with a vegetarian meal which will make you feel better. As well, it will become a conditioned response to higher thought. However, on the same hand, a person might feel superior by eating meat, and gain a primitive sense of superiority over those who do not devour flesh in their might jaws. This is all dependant on what you think of as right.


    If you are having amazing s*x with a woman who is a vegetarian, and therefore you are a vegetarian, then eating the vegetarian diet would become a conditioned stimuli to a unconditioned stimuli through classical conditioning. As a result, you will associate the endorphin rush that comes from good loving with eating a vegetarian diet. However, if you resent the fact you are forced to eat vegetarian, you might find your thoughts are cloudy because you harbour inward rebellion with the unconscious ID, and therefore associate the vegetarian diet with less focus.

    The same can be said about meat. If you work out, have a good life and your romances are in check, then you will find that you will attribute this to diet. There is joy and satisfaction, for example, from cooking a steak. This offers a little recreation to the food prep experience. Since it is a moment of down time, it is easy to to mistake the feel good that comes from having a momentary vacation with the food you consume. The same can be said if you are being forced to eat meat. If you are forced to eat meat, more meat than you feel you can handle, you will find you will become sluggish.

    Either way, moderation is the key and realise there are many factors attributed to thoughts than just diet.

    Hope this helps.


  20. Majnun is right.  I remember seeing an article about how Mensa members are more likely to be vegetarians.  But its not that vegetarianism made people smarter, its just that smarter people are more likely to think critically about their diet (as they do everything else).

    Food can influence thoughts.  For instance, recent research seems to show that consuming omega-3 fats can prevent degenerative brain diseases.  Obviously you will be thinking differently if you're suffering from dementia.

  21. I think vegetarianism and veganism has the potential to influence thought processes and moral beliefs. I know for me veganism has opened up completely new areas of thought I've never considered prior to my dietary change. I never considered the production process of my products or items. I rarely considered the environmental implications, health, scientific or global impacts of meat consumption. I think I am more environmentally and ethically aware of my product choices due to my diet change.  but that is my personal experience, everyone reacts or is effected differently.

  22. Food influences my thoughts every day.  Especially when I have a hangover.

    Cocoa ~ I do hope you see the irony in your answer about vegetarians being "more smarter" than meat eaters.

  23. Vegetarians are far more peaceable and calm than rampant meat eaters. Their digestive systems do not retain putrid decay in the form of hard to process meat and therefore they have greater spiritual and physical energy levels than rampant carnivores who tend toward distemper and exacerbated anger.

  24. Yes. What other mentally challenged person would protest KFC's or even taunt deer hunters?

  25. i started eating meat after 30 years as a veggie.

    i've become slighlt ymore focussed and determined about things - more energized generally.

    so yes, food does influence your thoughtsfrom my experience.

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