
Do Virgins Still Exist?

by Guest58586  |  earlier

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that doesn't do drugs, drink, has no s*x, and is moral and proper? And she has no vices, and is a virgin?

Honestly, is this girl rare today? And what do you think? State your age.




  1. Yes, try your local convent. aside from that....Good Luck.

  2. Virgins exist of all ages. Anyone who thinks differently isn't living in reality. It is still rare but I'm 35 for example. I know a woman who is 52 and another man who is 47. Of course we are all asexual but still virgins. Yes, I do know heterosexual people who are virgins over 30 as well.

  3. Yes, but she's pretty boring.

    Think about it...

    no drugs

    no drinking

    no s*x



    Each one sounds really good... and then you add them up and you realize you have a really ******* boring, substanceless person. It's kinda of like getting one $20 dollar steak.  One sounds great.  And then you buy ten more, and all of a sudden you've spent $220 bucks on only 11 meals...

    Haha, I had $210 earlier.  Wow.

  4. I think they are, but they're few and far in between. And why would you care if a woman in her 30's is a virgin are not? are you one? How old where you when you lost your virginity?

  5. Over 30? lmao, Good luck. =D

    Okay...well this is me...

    18 (so an adult) and I don't:

    Do drugs, drink, have s*x, smoke, hook up/kiss random guys.

    I like to think I'm moral and proper with no vices (though modesty may be lacking lol) and I'm a virgin.

    Religion however with me is...bleh. I'm not into but not against it and bible pushers tend to annoy me. You know, the ones that pray before eating a snack lol.

    Anyway off topic, I think the girls you described are rare yes, but they still exist.

  6. i m 25 years old male...yes .there are still virgins exists in Southern part of india...Because in that place the culture is good ..they always live as joined family and they have their s*x after the marriage only...and the custom over there is different and good..The divorce is very seldom

  7. They do exist, but you would have to get someone from a different country or someone from a really orthodox culture...A 30 year old  strict Muslim woman that hasn't found a groom to marry most likely is a virgin that doesn't drink or has no drugs.

  8. those who are religious, conservative, and have high self-respect and self-protection still exist. And, I think whether to remain as virgin or experience sexual intercourse is one's choice which I could care less.Everyone has different value of life and view points..

  9. far and few between...

  10. You are looking in the wrong place, time, country and social structure. You are asking of the west right.

  11. ah god i cracked up here

    i am shocked that you have the guts to call the over-thirty crowd "girls"


  12. I know of a few.  I honestly can't imagine waiting that long to have s*x!  How do they make it?

  13. hahahahahahaha!

  14. Over 30?

    You MUST be joking, lol!

    You want a thirteen year old girl, not a thirty year old mature adult woman.

    Thirty year old adult females are WOMEN.  Thirteen year old adolescents are GIRLS.

    @Julie.  My point exactly.  Its a joke.  If you referred to a 35 year old woman as a "girl" she would slap you upside the head.  I sure would have.  Now that I am 47 I have earned the right to slap any such fool twice.

  15. Yes, woman like that still do exist. I am one of them, but I am not over 30, I am 18. Most women over 30 are already married or divorced. But there are women who are waiting for the right one, and are remaining pure for their future spouse, and are over 30. You won't find them in a bar or club though, you will more than likely find them at church.

    Why does age matter so much anyway? It's just a number right? What's wrong with a woman in her mid 20's?

    As for me- I don't drink, do drugs, or have s*x, and my life has more meaning and substance than people who I have talked to that do those things and tell me they have no idea what they are living for. I know what I'm living for- I'm living for God. That's all the substance I will ever need. He's more than enough for me.

  16. Personally I've never met one, although I'm sure they exist.  I'd like to think they keep this information to themselves.

    I have known a couple of male virgins, one in his late 30's and one in his 50's - who was divorced no less!  He came to a party dressed as a saint, and it wasn't a costume party either.

    I prefer not to know anything about other people's s*x lives as I am concentrating on my own.

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