
****** Do We Finally Understand the Hope & Change??

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So many were asking what hope, what change when Obama was chanting it. With Sarah Palin's speech last night I think I finally know what it means!! Your thoughts??




  1. Some people use change to further their career, and some use their career to further change!!!!!

  2. yes that mccain is going to win and obama will never run again for president

  3. We have always understood Obama's idea of "hope and change" and rejected it as being un-American from the get go.Real Hope and change-for the better of all is now being heard from Palin.

  4. I think we've all understood Obama's "hope" & "change" for a long time.

    Obama's plan is to just "hope" problems take care of themselves, because he has no plan to address them.  This guy's presidency will amount to pulling his head out of the sand every few months to ask if things have fixed themselves.

  5. The republican party watched the democratic primary campaign and learned a valuable lesson about how to woo the voters.  Find a charismatic speaker with a story who would represent a historic political milestone.

    So, in effect, the republicans are "following" the change.

    We'll see just how effectively in November.

  6. Yee right on Sarah!

    Lets have change get away from the previous ruling party ( oh yee it's the same party) - well then, let's just forget about change!


  8. They're just more empty words coming from the Obama camp. But his sheep eat those words up!

  9. do as i say not as i do. same old republican song

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

  10. BINGO!!!!!!!!!

  11. Isaac,

    That piece of a speech you quoted hasn't much substance to it, but is full of emotional trigger-words. (as any speech analyst will tell you) His speech writers are okay, I'll grant you.

    What I want changed is the government, how big it is, too many programs for those who take no pride in themselves or OUR country... McCain picked the right VP for changing all that. She has already proven her capability there. Let's vote to CHANGE the control of government over us to us having control of the Gov't. THAT is real change!

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