
Do We Need A Nation That Is Closer To Leave It To Beaver Or Family Guy??

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What has happened to America?? Bad parenting, bad kids, bad people, rudeness and immorality all around, what will it take to get America heading in the right direction again?? There is a lot of blame to go around here, a liberal, former-hippy President named Bill Clinton and the brain-dead President who took his place. Thanks to Bush's foolishness with his war and other c**p which has caused him to become very unpopular, we have not seen the big switch to a more 1950s America like we saw with Reagan in the 1980s. This has got to start with the adults in America. There is way too many people who are not fit for parenting or are still children themselves who are having children, that needs to be fixed. We also need more parents to stop letting their kids be brats and start disciplining them. Curbing illegal immigration will certainly help this because they are big on letting thier kids run around everywhere playing and tearing up things. Lets start a conservative revolution in this country. This all started with Lyndon Johnson 44 years ago and it needs to stop somewhere.




  1. We need an America that can turn OFF the television... jeez. Remember that it has only been common for Americans to have televisions in their homes since about the mid 1950s. There was a time when people read books, newspapers, magazines, etc. - America was great when its people knew how to think for themselves. Now were just a bunch of mindless automatons awaiting are marching orders from the Ministry of Truth.  

  2. leave it to beaver

  3. I am  only 15 and i think i am well thought out with the rare gift of common sense, well i think it depends on the neighborhood you live in and the family backgrounds. Lyndon Johnson was a disgrace and im still suprised the democrats are still trying to be president after so many failures.  Bush is successful in Iraq but many democrats dont like it because thier children have died, everything has sacrifices whats odd is that democrats voted to go to iraq.

  4. Leave it to beaver.

    The nations with the best economies have children that are raised by good parents. America has a serious problem with bad or lax parenting.

  5. The 1950's?

    Yes, things were better back then in some ways, much of it has little to do with immigration or political preference.  Technology lets us SEE more now, whereas back then stuff remained hidden under the rug.  With the explosion of the Internet and TV the world is a lot smaller place.  

    Nowadays when there's a killing or child abduction anywhere in the nation, everyone hears about it, coast to coast.  Back then, many towns had awful things going on but you'd never hear about it, unless you visited there.   So today's constant 24/7 media barrage makes things today LOOK much worse than they really are.  We hear about every bad thing going on anywhere, not just in our local communites, like back in the 1950s.

    White-only restaurants and hotels, people taken from their homes and lynched simply because of their skin color, big tobacco selling addictive cancer-causing products and telling the public there was no medical risk when they KNEW otherwise, candy cigarrettes being sold to kids.  Wives and children being beaten by abusive drunken husbands/fathers was simply accepted, and not talked about.  Perverted priests in the Catholic church molesting thousands of children in their parishes and nothing was done, the church was beyond reproach.  Sexual harassment in the workplace? Hah, good luck with that.

    The cold war, people living in fear of a nuclear showdown and practicing drop drills weekly.  Lives and careers ruined on the simple accusation of being a "commie pinko symathizer" whether there was any shred of evidence or not.  No DNA testing, so corrupt cops and politicians sending innocent people to jail to cover their own crimes.

    Manufacturing plants dumping toxic waste into the ocean and landfills where houses would be built, without any oversight or consequences.

    On the bright side- prices were lower, folks had more common sense, movies were better, the future was bright, people were generally more civil towards each other (unless you're the wrong breed of people)

    The 1950's certainly wasn't some mythical golden age...

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