
Do We Realize The Suffering Involved with the Products We Buy?

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More than $2. 8 billion people in the world are working for less than $2 a day. Huge Corporations, giddy with joy over Free Trade Laws, are ever on the search for cheaper labor. Americans have fed this inequity by purchasing goods from countries where workers could be described as slave labor, even though we are sometimes faced with poisonous products, like lead paint in toys or tainted dog food.

Each day shiploads of foreign cargo reach our ports and no one seems to care that young children are employed in foreign factories, that women work in appalling conditions that no American would accept, that they labor for hours for salaries so low they are caught in poverty for their lifetimes.

Should Americans accept this? Should a mass boycott of foreign goods be used to halt these conditions? Should we insist that our politicians rework the Trade laws and, not only reinstate American manufacturing, but insist upon fair salaries and better working conditions in foreign lands?




  1. Sure I realize. Just don't care. Got my own problems, thanks. Let them sort it out like we did during the Industrial Revolution. Similar conditions here at that point, y'know. Go ahead and not use any foreign made stuff. Wonder what you'll be wearing tomorrow? Better check the label on those little black shoes you women love so much. Or that pair of jeans that look so good on you. Or that handbag you just HAD to have, and oh look; it's on sale! How about that snappy pants suit just perfect for work. Wonder if you can wear that cozy warm coat tomorrow? Going to be able to drive that efficient little import car in the morning? Watch that Dunkin Donuts stop too. Where was that cup made? Where are the beans from? The sugar on the donuts? Ever seen the conditions at a sugar plantation? Good Luck! I wish you well on your boycott. I hope many others join you. Lines will be shorter.

  2. Let me suggest that your train of thought was heading in the right direction, but then it crashed after derailing.

    Yes there are countries all over the world that use slave labor tactics. No it isn't the responsibility of American to fix it as far as putting money into the problem. Our responsibility is to get our elected officials to stop the wasteful spending habits that they have at all levels, so the companies will stay here in our country and not go to these other countries.

    The actual American citizen has selfishly made this problem worse, and continues to allow our government to tax everyone and everything. Our greed as Americans lets a Union tell a business that it has to operate at a cost that will cripple the company. Aske the auto industry why they keep closing plants across the country.

    Our individual greed, as well as our government taxes, and all of those sweet little special interest groups have brought this on.

    The actual answer is to rebuild our government and retake our country. When that is done, we need to keep out of the afairs of the rest of the world and work on taking care of things here at home.

  3. Change it!

  4. If Americans did not buy good from these foriegn countries then what would be the fate of the low wage workers when they had no job at all?

  5. Oh my god. The dog food I've been eating is tainted?!

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