
Do White Sox fans really think Griffey is the answer to get them into and through the playoffs?

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This isn't the Griffey that played in Seattle, this is the Griffey that spent a lot of time on the DL in Cincinnati, 3 consecutive seasons not even playing half the year and he's 37 years old. He can no longer play CF, if he does expect him back on the DL shortly after. Not to mention his stats look like this .245 BA, 15 HR, 53 RBI's in 360 AB.




  1. Not much help for the Sox.  He'll be on the DL soon.  But that's what the American League is for--the last stop for washed up players so they can DH before they retire.

  2. We don't expect him to do much. But he will be an improvement over the offensive numbers of both Konerko and Swisher. So that is an improvement. And that is good enough for me.  

  3. I agree that Griffey is not the same as he was in Seattle, but he can still help a club. I think he will do well in a DH role that he will share with Paul Konerko. Remember, his moral will probably increase now that he is in a playoff race and wont be expected to carry a team like when he was with the Reds.  

  4. nah, maybe Bartman's the answer

  5. They signed Ken Griffey jr.?...I thought they signed Nick Swisher the second (Swisher=.230 BA, 15 HR, 53 RBIs)

  6. Not really because Griffey is getting near his 40's and his power in his swing isn't working to well. There is a chance of him playing some great games may be hit a few home runs on the White Sox. Griffey will probably hit atleast 15 home runs on this team (this year)

  7. I don't think any White Sox fan sees Griffey as "the answer".  He is basically an insurance policy....Konerko is not going to come out of his slump, so Swisher can move to first and Griffey and B. Anderson can platoon in CF.  I highly doubt that this was Kenny Williams "dream move", but he didn't have to part with much, and Griffey is still a legit left-handed bat in the line-up.

    Whether or not we move though the playoffs is up to the pitching staff.  The line-up has plenty of pop....the bullpen has been imploding lately, that's the problem.

  8. This is tough because I like Griffey, but hes past his prime and I see him helping out the White Sox but not to the point where he turns the team around. He could play today and have knee problems tommorow just see what happened over in Cincinnati.

  9. No, we will get in to the playoffs, but Griffey is no missing piece, and he is not the old Griffey, but he still provides a valuable replacement if someone gets injured down the stretch. I see us going to the Series this year!

  10. he is a future HOF, and he can still hit............and about his D, who cares, as long as he is putting balls in the stands, who cares about his D.....he is probably going to do better on D than people think!

  11. I'm sure that not all White Sox fans believe that Griffey will be a big help to them. Personally, I don't understand the trade. Griffey doesn't really improve the lineup, and he certainly shouldn't be playing in center. It was reported that even Walt Jocketty and Griffey were "surprised" that the White Sox expressed an interest in him.

    In Griffey's defense, he is still pretty decent against right-handed pitchers, especially in terms of OBP. And he was better last year, for whatever that is worth at his age.


    I don't think leaving the Padres is what helped Edmonds (he hadn't been very good with the Cardinals, either). Mike Shannon said that Edmonds did a lot of training in the off-season and got himself into really good physical condition. He said that changing (improving) your strength and condition like that can mess up your swing for awhile until you adjust. He used another player as an example of that, but I can't remember who it was.

  12. It was a bad move.

  13. They can platoon him and he is on a winning team now.

    You'd be suprised at how that gets the juices flowing again for aging players....

    Not to mention, he was stuck in 60-win-cinnati for the last few years.  Even the grass got tired of playing along there

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