
Do Women's Washrooms Typically Have Graffiti?

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This just occurred to me over my lunch break when I realized nearly every public washroom I've been in usually has writing on the walls, inside the stalls, etc. I work at my University so the type of stuff people write ranges from jokes and slurs, to intense political debates (yes I'm serious).

Is this common in women's washrooms as well? My first impression is no, but I don't see why only men would feel the need to do this. There's immature people everywhere.




  1. There's tons of graffiti in women's restrooms. It ranges from people saying hi to one another, to pictures of, ehem, private parts. Sometimes people make jokes, or insult one another. Sometimes people just write their names, or who they're in a relationship with. I suppose reading all of the graffiti is a good way to pass the time. At least that's what I do.

  2. I've seen it in college washrooms. There was one where someone had written something about taking drugs, and then below it was written in a different handwriting "Do you realize you're slowly killing yourself?"


  3. oh yes graffiti is in my schools female bathrooms. it as disturbed as graffitti can get. theres alot of overly sexed female gangs in my school, so violence and being dirty isnt an alpha male thing, its a people thing

  4. Hah, recipes! HAHAHAHAHA (el-oh-el)!

  5. Women write on bathroom walls, too, but it's usually just recipes.

  6. Yes I see it.  It depends on where I go.  Gas stations always have it.  There are a few stalls at my university that have it also.  There are soemtimes gang signs at public restaurants and such , and some remarks include "Peter has syphilis" and "Kayla is a w***e".  Usually they are sexually based. I wish I got to read some that were political...

  7. I think it is where teens hang out like schools or the park.  I do not see this in restauraunts.  

  8. Yes.

    In toilets in clubs I go to there a lot of stuff like "Mary, Jane, Sue 06" sort of stuff.

    If you're having a good night then you all put your names on the door to remember it (because you're drunk).

    Then general "Joe is a ***" etc.

    In the bathroom where I went to college people used to write problems and the others would reply.

    My favourite bit of graffiti was this,

    "In this toilet there is no paper

    But behind the bowl there is a scraper

    If the scraper can't be found

    Drag your **** along the ground"

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