
Do YOU believe in evolution, or creation?

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I believe in evolution. It just doesn't fit into my head that ONE god created everything.




  1. I accept the facts of evolution which have been proved over and over again. The verifiable evidence gets even stronger by the day.

    Creationism is a fairy tale in a primitive book written by primitive people to explain the things they didn't then understand.

    We are now in the fortunate position to know better (if we have been educated).

  2. Both, I believe that the Big Bang was the initial sounding of the Sacred Word on the outbreath of God. Evolution is the means by which the form side of life developed and adapted to this planet.

    I believe in science but I also believe that God provided the initial impulse.

  3. I believe in evolution to the extent that "I believe in evolution" just sounds wrong to me. Its just something I wouldn't say. Like someone saying, "I believe in atoms," ,"I believe in buttered toast," or, "I believe in Yahoo Answers." Guess I'm really opinionated.

  4. Creation.

    Genesis 1:1 God Created the Heavens and the Earth."

    It doesn't say "In the beginning God created some of the world, and then let evoultion take over."

    or "In the beginning there was a large bang the eventually formed into the world."

    Facts are Facts. You may say, Well I don't believe in the Bible, but it is true.  

  5. Both

    a creator created what we evolved from

  6. Evolution isn't something you "believe in". It's science. You go to school, you study it carefully, you look at all the evidence and you make up your mind rationally.

    Believing in something wrong doesn't make it true, and disbelieving in something true doesn't make it wrong.

    It is what it is. Evolution is a scientific fact because evidence for it is overwhelming, massive, and generally universally embraced by all highly educated people except governors of Arkansas.

    Go figure.

  7. doesn't matter what you beleive in, evolution is the theory that fits the evidence.

    Also evolution doesn't have anything to do with how life started ;)

  8. I believe in evolution.  I also believe that God exists.  It seems illogical to me that there's nothing out there that's "bigger" than humankind.

    I've never felt that an understanding of evolution precludes a belief in God (or vice-versa); in fact, I'm rather puzzled by people who can't seem to reconcile the two views of how things came to exist.  But maybe that's just me...?

  9. I don't "believe" in evolution. I accept it, because it is overwhelmingly supported by the evidence.

  10. creation of course

    GOD is powerful so He can do everything

    anyweys, thats your opinion n this is mine... =)

  11. I 'accept' evolution based on the evidence:

  12. ya i accept evolution

  13. With evolution, what is there to believe, it is FACT.

    Creation - which one?  

  14. I believe in God and evolution.

  15. I accept the evidence that evolution has.

  16. I believe in creation.. I take the bible literally as Gods word and Gods word does not lie...  

  17. Evolution, Though Its Not Actually So Much As A Belief.  Creationism Seems A Little Lazy As Its Saying Somebody just "Made" Everything, No Questions Asked.  Evolution Seems A Bit More Likely, Thats All.

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