
Do YOU believe the Real British Monarch is sitting on the thone today?

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QUOTE "Startling new facts came to light in research for a Channel 4 programme on Richard III. The historian Michael K Jones had uncovered what appears to be strong proof that the 15th-century English monarch Edward IV was, in fact, illegitimate, thus throwing the legitimacy of all the kings and queens who followed into question. In fact, it appears that the royal line should have extended, not through Edward, but through his brother, George, Duke of Clarence, and his heirs." UNQUOTE




  1. Nope, German imports who just happened to be available. There is no direct link to Edward IV. The present Queen is a Mountbatten at best and a descendent from the Kaiser at worst. In WW1 the cousins were monarchs in 3 of the warring countries.

  2. What have my kids been up to now?

  3. I saw it and i have never believed the true heir to be on the throne....

  4. Yes the one that was PROCLAIMED  Queen is the REAL monarch.

  5. This doesn't really matter at all. That was the 15th Century. The true royal line was broken when Elizabeth I died with no heirs. The winners write history and sit on the throne however that may come to be. I think our royal family are just fine and if someone with a real 'bloodline' were to come forward they wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

  6. The King was often elected by the nobles before Parliament came along to make the rules. When Henry I died, his daughter Matilda should have been Queen but the throne was given to her cousin Stephen. When Stephen died, Henry Plantagenet, Matilda's son, was given the throne as Henry II. Direct inheritance failed many times and Richard II, Edward II, Henry VI, Edward V, Richard III and James II were deposed and/or murdered. Henry VIII got rid of all the remaining Plantagenets who had anything like a claim to the throne to justify his father's taking the throne from Richard III.

    The monarch we have is there by the right of Parliament and is the true monarch. There have been many pretenders to the throne, some with greater claims than the incumbent but the incumbent is there by the will of the people and has every right to it. The Queen is not German, she is British and all her ancestors back to George III were born in England. George III said "Born and educated in this country I glory in the name of Briton" and he never visited Hanover. George I was descended from Charles I who was descended from Henry VII.

  7. It is irrelevant to consider whether the Monarch is the correct one or not. She's the old f**t that we are stuck with, and until we make a change, things will stay as they are.

  8. And why is this important? They're all etiquettically dogmatic pricks...

  9. Elizabeth II was Proclaimed Queen from the balcony of St. James' Palace soon after her father's death. That is the legal requirement, since Parliament can choose anyone they like to be monarch, In practice it is the eldest surviving child of the late monarch, but since Cromwell the monarchy has been subordinate to Parliament. There is no other viable claimant.

  10. God save the queen, and that is Elizabeth II.

  11. This is not a new concept. To ponder about how it might have changed history is pointless.

    I think the monarch we have on the throne has proved her true worth, it's not a job I would want.

  12. of course not............they are all descended form Germans/Dutch....Victoria could not speak a word of English when she as 17..a year before she came to the throne...and the name Windsor was chosen as a replacement to Sax-Coberg during WW1...they are all a bunch of parasitic leeches and should all be shot

  13. Once the Monarch is proclaimed that person is the Monarch.

    End of story

  14. Hi,the monarch have hardly any English in them.I remember an article about Princess Diana she had more royal blood in her than the royal family.Thanks for the link I have added it to my favourites.I love history.

  15. Well, I just hope that Camilla Parker Bowles will be sitting on the trone very shortly.

    She's the real British Monarch.

  16. There have been several times when the Royal line was changed in England, usually when a Queen dies without issue. E.G. Elizabeth 1, Queen Anne etc.

    The choice of transplant had much to do with religion and politics. Some of the legitimate candidates were rejected because of religion i.e. Charles Stuart (scots/ french catholic) that is why we have the German line in today.

    We had the Protestant Dutch William (of Orange) and Mary after Anne died. The reason for the Orange Lodge and the Irish problem.

    James was brought down from Scotland after QE1 died.

    Due to the prodigousness of the current Royals there should not be a change in the line for some time.

    There is also discussion of the true remanents of the French Monarchy e.g. Bourbons.

  17. They sit on the throne at least 3 times a day, but the servants pull the chain when they'er finnished.

  18. Blah Blah Blah - anyway: who cares?

  19. Yes. The other fellow's ancestors had effectively revoked their family's claim to the throne.

  20. Yes I have heard that conceptual infelicity as well.

    Right or wrong  Elizabeth has been the best monarch we have ever had and thus deserves our loyalty.

  21. The British throne was usurped in 1485 .Also there has been some doubt cast on queen Victoria's legitimacy  recently.Enough is enough time for true king of England to stand up.

  22. Incumbency is 99% of the law. If you're the queen/king today, that's it. It doesn't matter how you got there. Many of them got there by murder, rent-a-womb, bribery, etc. What can one do about it? Nada.

  23. It makes no difference to me whether it is the present family or some other randon group. They have no actual power & have to live their lives in goldfish bowls for all to see.

    Rather them than me, no matter which family group they are.

  24. The Duke of Clarence died January 1972. And has been a very popular New York Yankee base ball pitcher outlive his surviving family who prefers to marry a commoner choose private life. Except for his first born grandson.

    If Camilla will be queen. What about UK economy??? Remember when Queen Elizabeth II was enthrone, She lost India, Cylon, Malaysia etc etc etc later Hungkong. Lossing Africa Canada and Australlia Scotland Ireland is not impossible but invitible.

    To remind you, Great Brittain Heriditary was never been a Mountbatten nor Parker Bowles. Their is no such Monarch in UK that is a commoner related but related to war and impoverish tsu na mi of EMPIRE TREASSURY.

    I think brittish people must start seeing future in a logical way.

  25. NO Just ask anyone in the ARMY if she was the right one for job wouldn't she back the lads more ! think on Queen what happens what there's no one do look after your back because you've let to many down.

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