

by Guest63209  |  earlier

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if so, then before you go through a drive-thru of any mcdonalds that you haven't ever visited then please go inside and check that the people that are back there making the food have freekin gloves on.....*sigh*--i love mcdonalds, but oneday me and my mom walked into a mcdonalds ( and we ordered two quarter pounders with cheese. while i am standing there, i notice the people in the back just touching my food. all over my bread! slapping cold cheese on it!! i seen a guy continuously touching the bread with his bare hands to make sure it was warm while reading the screen up near the ceiling(the one with the orders). they didnt even have gloves on! they didnt even use those little "clamp" things to take the burgers out of the tray and place it on the bread. they grab the little burger "patties" with their bare hands and dropped it on my bread!! they were touching the fries!!! they were touching everything!!!!it was DISGUSTING. we canceld our order and got our monkey back




  1. No way, i'm too high class to eat at McDonalds, it's disgusting and you are completely disrespecting your body! I'm not going to put **** in it!

  2. I work at MacDonald's. and i only touch myself in between breaks. Y do u think ur sandwich is A little too compacted, i can tell ya one thing, its not the cheese.

  3. Lol yea it does seem disgusting,but remember they wash their hands first :D but touching up the fries is a bit nasty lol.

  4. yes i eat there and i work there.>  here are some answers: most have transparent gloves, it may be hard to see that they do have gloves on at a distance. Also, there is timers to make sure people wash their hands on time.  They could be making their own food to eat on break. how do you know he was touching the bread to see if it was warm? That sounds stupid, its always warm they toast them first, all bread gets put through the toaster. It can be faster to not use the tongs. Where else were they suppose to drop the patties? yes they fry person rarely wears gloves and fries do fall on their hands sometimes. Seriously, you are complaining that they were putting COLD cheese on your sandwich? you think they were supposed to put melted cheese on your sandwich? LOL, every sandwich gets cold non melted cheese put on it, the rest of the sandwich melts the cheese I am glad that you got you got your monkey, probably also known as your brother, back though.                    

      I'm glad to hear that Gaza, so I'm sure you will be able to answer any question i pose to you about how to make the sandwiches or use the register correctly right?

    hmm he asks a question, then notices people, smart assed or not, answer it lol. Hmm well the cheese thing, now that you have explained, it makes more sense. Just curious though, how did you know the cheese was cold when they were "slapping" it on though?. Im still skeptical however, people tend to blow fast food stories out of proportion. There is nothing wrong with people touching your food, its probably safer for you. Many places now have stopped enforcing employees to wear gloves, they breed bacteria. they are for people more concerned with the appereance of cleanliness, then actual cleanliness. Gloves protect the hand, not the food.

  5. i never went in mcdonalds i never eat burger

  6. I love McD's, but I see no gloves in a lot of places, not just McD's..the place you always see gloves (at least I have) is Subway.  I haven't seen gloves @ Hardees, Arby's, Chic fil A, Wendy's ...etc...

    oh...and this is really gross, I saw this once at a pizza place, while fixing the pizza, this guy (no gloves) reached up and scratched his head, then continues w/the pizza...yuk!  I know it was going thru the oven, but still, who wants cooked dandruff and hair yuk on your pizza??

  7. Yes. LOL at XXFERNEX!!  Good one!!

  8. McDonalds.

    The fast food chain which many have come to love over time. I personally have gone of McDonalds, due its low food standards. I mean when I do have the food courage to eat the food there, it normally results in me being sick in the evening. Especially the chicken there. I had chicken nuggets and threw up, my best friend had a McChicken Sandwhich Meal and threw up.

    The workers at McDonalds need to be better with hygiene standards. Here have a look at this link:

    Hope my answer helped. Thank you.    x

  9. hi i eat there some times but Ive herd rd if you work their and your ill your family can take you shift without training discus ting

  10. the cheese is always cold, you have to wait for it to melt the meat must of been old. as for the guys without gloves i can say thats quite gross and lazy, i work back area at mcdonalds i dont know how you could of seen through back area through your car window but  that is nasty and dont go back there lol!

  11. McDonalds isn't exactly known for it's cleanliness, rather for its convenience. What you saw isn't normal for fast food places, but trust me when I say much greater health risks are involved.

  12. Me and my ex were at carls jr one day, and this girl was making our food, had on no gloves and she went to put somethin in the trash and missed. She picked it up off of the floor and then smashed down the stuff in the trash can with her hands, then went back to making our food without washing her hands. we also cancelled our orders and got our money back, it was rediculous! and very disgusting.

  13. Oh h**l no!

  14. Dont touch that nasty food again,,, Its sending you a message!!!!!!!

  15. I'm sorry, I just found the line about getting your monkey back so hilarious I can't answer the question.


  16. I won't eat at any fast food place. I was in a Mc Donalds one time , used the bathroom, in walked a Mc Donald's worker, did her thing in the stall, she walked out without washing her HANDS!!!!


  18. I also love McDonald's but very rarely eat there, for a few reasons.

    A) the standards of hygiene can sometimes be quite bad,

    B) the prices (UK) are expensive for what you get,

    C) you eat your food and 3 hours later your hungry again even though you shouldn't be.

    So I don't go very often and usually regret it after wards.

  19. I used at times till I found out what exactly went into thier burgers.

  20. so you make a big deal out of people not wearing gloves. i have worked at fast food resturants before and when they do have gloves on they are on there phone and changing trash and touching there face and other things with there gloves on and don't change them so i don't know what the big difference is. when you order food at a eat in resturant you can't even see them fix the food so you have no idea when they do.

    and as far as the cheese goes...cheese is supposed to be cold that why people keep it in the refrigerator.

    i also find it hard to take people serously when they use words like "clamp things" and can't spell money.

    i personally eat mcdonalds at least 5 or 6 times a week sometimes multiple times a day.

    as an employee we are probably better off with out costomers like you who just complain about things and end up costing us more money.

  21. Too lazy to read the long and excessive message details. But to answer your question,

    Yes, I eat at McDonalds. And what's wrong with that? Everyone has free will.

  22. Yes I do eat at McDonald's on occasion.  Your advice should be heeded any time you eat out.  You would be amazed at the things that go on in many even well to do eateries.  Always be careful, and check out the kitchen if possible.  You should have repoted this restaurant to the local health inspector.  They fine restaurants for these types of violations.

  23. well let me just tell you a little story about my experience with McDonalds and after you get done reading it you will probably be so disgusted that you will never eat there again.

    I recently moved and was looking for a job, I have worked for another fast food chain as a cook for over 10 years, I thought working at McDonalds wouldn't be that much different, well I was wrong. During my 2nd day of training I was so completely disgusted that I turned in my uniform the following day and told them I couldn't work for them. When asked why I told them. I have never seen so many food safety violations in my entire life and all in one place too. The kitchen at the training restaurant was utter chaos, there were so many people there that they were tripping over each other, to begin with there was no nailbrush at the handwash sink, then I was handed a filthy apron, put on some gloves and then I was put on the assembly line to make burgers and other sandwiches. I was told in the training video to keep watch for the timers in the hot holding unit and discard food after the time runs out. Not so! the people there simply left the food in and restarted the timer, unbelievable! Their condiment table has no ice under it to keep the lettuce, tomato slices, onions, pickles and cheese fresh! The diced onion is reconstituted dehydrated onion by the way. Mayo and burger sauce is kept at room temperature also (do you realize how many bacteria can grow in mayonaise which is an egg product in just a few minutes?). Evidently this is company wide procedure and is covered in the training video as "tempering" to ensure that the cheese melts easier when put on the burgers and it is left like this exposed to room temperature for supposedly up to 2 hours (I didn't see it get changed for longer than that) The swiss cheese was happyly sweating away in a plastic continer ontop of the shelf above the wrap table next to the container of tomato slices and an uncovered tray of bacon strips. Then I was yelled at for using the little chicken nugget scooper for a chicken sandwich patty since there didn't appear to be any tongs to use for the chicken patty. I was told to use the same tongs used for the burger patties to use for the chicken, can you say cross contamination? After a few minutes of this I took off my gloves and went to the restroom in tears. When I returned they told me it was ok, that I would "get the hang of it" I told them that was not the reason, that I was just so disgusted right now and that I will never ever eat McDonalds food again. When they had me on outside lot duty and changing the garbage bags I found one garbage can that had about and inch and a half of spilled liquid in the bottom, so I asked the trainer where the hose was to rinse the smelly stuff out and she told me not to worry about it and just stick a new bag in.  

    Coming from a very clean and safety conscious Dairy Queen restaurant I was appalled at what I saw there at McDonalds and I am sure your stomach is turning right now just reading about it.

    After the end of training that day I received my employee meal, I opted for fried chicken tenders rather than a burger (now that I know how they are prepared) they were gross and old tasting and even my cats or dog wouldn't eat them, how sad is that?

    The following day I spoke to the manager at the restaurant I was supposed to start working at and told him I couldn't work there, he asked why and I told him that I wouldn't serve customers food that I wouldn't want to eat myself.

    I just can't believe that McDonalds is getting away with this? Why haven't inspectors from the health department done anything about this?

  24. No, thank god i can say that now.

    McDonald's is everywhere so easy to pop in for a quick meal.

    The McDonald's logo is enough to make most people hungry and decide to eat there straight away. Other logos effect people but The Golden Ark's have almost mystical forces!

    I go for the lesser of two evil cooperate company's to dine and go to subways when I'm in a rush for a quick meal, i prefer cooking though.

    This will put you off:

    About 8 months ago in one of my local McDonald's a young teenage girl was eating a burger and felt a bit sick and did not like the taste, about two days later she was diagnosed with clamidia (STD). The Environmental Health Officer went straight to the McDonald's and got a team of people to search through the bins for her burger. They found the burger in question and it has 8 different men's seamen in. They then checked other remnants of burgers and found over 15 other burgers with several mans seaman in.

    There are more true story's i can tell you about McDonald's if you want?

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