
Do YOU still use Coffeemate, even when milks around?

by  |  earlier

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xD I had to ask this after I saw the commercial!!!

I actually don't. I find that coffeemate leaves an unpleasant after taste.




  1.'re in radio.

    Are you drinking already?

  2. I usually keep one or two different flavored coffee mates around,  use them more than milk in my coffee.

  3. It depends on my mood...and the type of coffee I'm drinking.

    Usually I take my coffee black, with the exception of Starbucks coffee, which I find usually tastes horribly burnt and over roasted. This is when I add cream to the coffee.

    I may use Coffeemate, as I occasionally like the taste, but as you said, it does sometimes leave a lingering aftertaste in your mouth. All said, I prefer half and half over Coffeemate or milk.

  4. I use flavored Coffeemate and other non-dairy creamers. I've always preferred the flavor to milk though cream is good. Only, I can't buy cream because it would go to waste since I don't drink that much coffee except during the winter.

    I love the various flavors: Irish cream, hazelnut, mocha and others. I have very picky tastebuds and don't detect the "unpleasant after taste" you do. You might be sensitive to one or more of the ingredients. For example, some people cannot stand the aftertaste of NutraSweet and saccharine. Personally, I don't like saccharine. So, it's purely a matter of personal taste.

  5. I will only drink coffee if I have Coffeemate French Vanilla creamer.  If there isn't any around, I won't drink it.  I'm real stubborn that way.

  6. Coffemate  is a non dairy cream, but it's made with milk product. I don't get that.

    No, I don't like the idea of pouring processed vegetable oil in a drink.  If I do drink something like cofee  (I'm more of a tea tottler) I usually use half and half that I stole from Carls junior or similar fast food joints.   I'm tempted to make root bear floats with their half and half.

  7. I'm a half 'n half kinda guy.

    This should be in Polls

    -a guy named duh

  8. I use ccoffeemate sparingly with milk  also in my coffee.

    Just curious...Why did you post this on the 'radio' section of polls?

    Isn't this more of a 'tv' idea question since you saw the coffeemate commercial?

  9. if it's liquid coffemate, and i'm in the mood for a creamier coffee i will use it, but i prefer milk

  10. h**l no. I just got heavy cream for tonite

  11. I drink my coffee black. I remember using coffeemate years ago and found nice big clumps floating around the top of my coffee....nice.

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