
Do YOU think I act white?

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Everyone i know says i act whit and i just don't get what they mean. Is it a good thing, a bad thing.

I LOVE to read. I'm captain of my tennis team. I'm treasure of my speech and debate team and i'm also on the mock trial team. I'm currently interning at a law firm and i want to be a lawyer for a career. Just because i have goals in ife and i'm am accomplished person, why do people have to assume i act white.

Is it only white people that have hopes and dreams???!!!!

(I'm African- Nigerian)




  1. well im full arabic but im still white(skin color)and just cause u do those things dosnt mean your act white its not like whites are the only ones who made or acomplish things

  2. you dont act white.  you aer just smart.  i know alot of white people who are total low life losers, and i know a lot of black people who are just as you describe yourself to be.  the people who tell you that you "act white"  are either not very intelligent or are just very ignorant.  dont let them bother you, because in a few years you are going to be successful and they arent.  then they'll wish that they wouldve "acted white" just like you did.

  3. that's poppycock!

    Anyone in the world could do that. "acting white" is just silly.

    Keep up the good work! :D

  4. You are not acting white your just being yourself. It maybe its because the black people you meat act different from you or just don't have anything going for themselves and they mite be jealous of you.

  5. no

  6. baby no.  am 21 and grew up in an all white town. just because i pronounce my words correctly. carry myself in a certain way i was considerd white. dont change for anybody. i didnt listen to rap and i couldnt tell u who nelly was. lol dont change u r u

  7. The h**l with anyone else thinks! Do you girl! Do whatever makes you happy, there is no label on our foreheads that say what we are supposed to be/act like... This is what makes the world such a wonderful place... Good Luck!!!

  8. oh my lord

    i hate when people say that like seriously just because I want to make something of my life doesn't mean I'm acting white

    it just makes them seem ignorant  

  9. Technically that's acting white.  And Asian, and Indian.

    Why are you concerned about the opinions of fools?

  10. What a bizarre question! How does anyone "act white"?, despite your explanation - as a white person, I still don't get this. You seem to really put all black people down with regards to achievements - this does not make sense when you think of politions, actors etc etc

  11. well one thing you are acting human!

    just because we may be different colors doesn't mean we should act different on be half of that, and so for the people who said you "act white" they need open there mind and see we are just a different color, we are not in a society and more that "looks at us because of our color".

    And no one should be judged of their skin color!

  12. people are confused.

  13. I don't know where you live but im not what you expect and I still have plenty black friends. So I don't understand all the hype. I have friends of different backgrounds, I like r&b, soul, motown, pop, poprock, disney channel, cartoons, anime, musicals, i read a book every two days if not every one. I write, i take pictures. I just graduated hs on the national honor society with distinguished honors...i played soccer, was on the jump rope team, went to guitar club...sewing club...

    so all I mean is don't generalize your race as not likeing you for not acting ghetto because majority does not act that way.

  14. well its not acting white  it is acting like yourself just act your self and if people continue to say that it is ok because you know your just being yourself

  15. It seems that in certain segments of the African-American community, it's considered "white" to go to school to learn, to read for pleasure and self-education and to aspire to be anything other than a sports star, rap Mogul or drug king.  It's a really counterproductive attitude.

    Keep going what you're doing.  Feed your mind - no one can ever take your education away from you.

    Young people like you, be they black, white, yellow, red, pink, purple or green, give me some hope for the future.

  16. There is no such thing as acting white and actually I am amazed that anyone would actually say this to you. I am a black american (diaspora) who values education and forward movement. I believe that each generation must do as well, if not better than the previous generation (read: your parents). If you keep this in mind as you move forward, you should not have a problem. Bear in mind that you will always encounter ignorant people who want nothing more than to have you as their equal. Perhaps in the future when you have achieve all of your goals that you have set for yourself, you can donate some change to the charity that supports these ignorant individuals.....

  17. people assume you act white because , SOME people have this idea that only white people are succesful , and black people arent . but my advice is that you just keep doing what your doing . i wouldnt doubt it one bit that you would become a succesful black person like Tyra Banks or Oprah . and all those people that dont get involved in stuff and think reading is dumd and have no thirst for knowledge , wont . your not acting white or black , your just doing what you like and being yourself ! so you jus go on wit yo bad self ! lol =]

    [ p.s im puerto-rican and black ] so i know what you mean .

  18. No- not only whites have hopes and dreams.  There are many people of different races that have had great contributions to this world.  Act or be yourself.  Congrats by the way about getting into an internship with a law firm.  Maybe these people who think you act "white" are jealous of an educated, hard working, black woman.  Who knows what there motives are but none the less don't let them bring you down cause girl you are on your way to great things!

  19. Tell whoever is saying you're acting "white" which doesn't even make sense because you can't act a color, to shut-up, people are so ignorant and think just because you're skin is a certain color that dicatates your personality and how you should act and what types of things you should like. geez...

  20. keep in mind physical and verbal actions have motives...

    your situation means a few things ;

    -the people the you are listening to aren't worth your time

    -you are educated

    -they might be (but with low motives)

    -you achieve your goals

    -as you get older you find more of the same

          just like them (not important)

          just like you (that will be you friends an/or inspiration)

          af all color shapes and sizes..

    I am a latino MAN and got the same thing before ...but before that  i was just like them & aloud it to hinder me in fact i would make the same ignorant comments, later i found out i was jealous, vain and had low intentions (ppl thought was cool). i thank god i was able to change!!!

    Good luck in law scool!!!

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