
Do YOU think people, say for instance you didn't know your bilogical?

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Mother or father and let's just say something simple like you tap you finger a certain way, or eat or stare or something minor just like your bilogical parent(you never met) or let's just say you are very intelligent and people always point that out to you, but come to find out you parent that you never met was smart as ever do you think they can get that intelligence from the parent or other actions from their parent or it is a coincidence or maybe the dna did leak even though it's really no proof unless you find/found out how smart you bilogical parent was/are, do you also think talking fast can be passed down from a missing parent.




  1. well lets differentiate between habits which some you mentioned as tapping or staring and other more innate things or characteristics which are like intelligence and talking fast (though talking fast can also be just a habit).

    now both of these things that is, habits which seem to be external, and characteristics, which seem to be internal, can come from biological parents. but not only parents. they can come from any other relative- aunt, uncle, grand-, greatgrand-

    its really hard to differentiate because generally we stay near or are in frequent contact or close relationships to not only biological parents, but also biological relatives, biological cousins, so its hard to track down if we are born with a particular characteristic and its always been there in us, or if we get it socially while growing up (which is very subtle and we dont notice it at all, we may never know, for sure anyway) ..

    and of course other than biological there are a whole world of people which are there, friends, colleagues, even a stranger who can influence the way we think, without that stranger knowing it or doin it purposefully, and of course ultimately what we think is what we become.

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