
Do YOU think that Earth Day is a gimic and a waste of time?

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I supported it and think its a GREAT idea, but so many people are sceptics and said it is all bull and a waste of time and that it won't make any real difference etc etc and that global warming has been happening for thousands of years.

BUT I think the people who are shooting down this idea are idiots! I mean maybe it won't make any significant difference on the environment but the most important thing is that it is getting people talking, debating and thinking about their carbon footprint and how they can become greener i the long run. And its showing governments how popular an issue the environment is with the people and how much in can and could effect voting etc etc. so it might pressure them into making leglislations that will make the difference we couldn't.

For those people who are shooting down this idea and being so ridiculously childish by saying 'im going to turn on more lights!', I'd like to see you when you start using solar power when the world runs out of oil.




  1. I sent them my entire paycheck and they starved me to , aaargh.

  2. It's a shame that it looks like a gimmick. We should be teaching our youth more about how to preserve the environment and we need to invest 1000x more in solar and wind power. It's free fuel

  3. Population control is best way to limit your carbon foot print.  Nothing worse than a hypocrite hippy producing another little planet wrecker through childbirth.

    So if you can't live with your enormous hypocrisy you should consider murder/suicide.  The most greenest truest selfless environmentalists kill themselves and their children.  Just remember to get the order right, children first.

    So let's replace that "Earth First" line of c**p with "Children First".

  4. My lights aren't powered by oil, they are lit by good old fashioned coal-fired power plants.  But Earth Day in and of itself is pretty useless gesture.  The only changes that will occur is when the government mandates a change, otherwise people will take the path of least resistance.

  5. "Give a hoot!  Don't Pollute!"

                     -Woodsy Owl-

  6. Caring about the environment is stupid. For every idiot like you who turned off their lights, there was a person like me who didn't.

  7. We just turned our lights our for an hour for Earth Hour and saved, oh, maybe $.50 on electricity.  

    Earth Day has a lot of fun events and a chance to meet new people.  There's always an opportunity to learn new ideas about how to save money and the environment through sustainable principles.

  8. You said it gets people debating, but also call those who disagree "idiots" and "childish". Oh, that's a great way to get people to come over to your side, by calling them "idiots"!!!

    Brilliant idea, Einstein! Or should I say Ms. Einstein?

    I believe the Earth is warming but it is cyclical in nature. It's happened before and it will happen again. It has been proven that the ice caps on Mars are melting. The entire solar system is warming.

    OK, I've said my piece. Now, go ahead and call me names. It's about the only thing you purveyors of hysteria do best.

    What's wrong with cheeseburgers and entertainment centers? I like them both.

    Or is it just western civilization in general that you abhor?

    You know, the same western civilization that gave you freedom of speech, a free country to live in, a computer to rant on, freedom to do what you like when you like.....

    Oh, I get it. That last one bothers you, doesn't it? Mustn't give people too much freedom, mustn't let people decide for themselves! Oh, no! That will never do! We must decide for them! We must have GOVERNMENT decide for them!!  

    Sound familiar? Sound like the old Soviet Union or n**i Germany? And where did they end up?

    Before you get fitted for your n**i or Soviet uniform, could you tell me what the words "freedom of choice" means? Before that expression goes out of style or is stamped underfoot by your new totalitarian regime, that is.

  9. I seriously doubt the point is to make any real difference... it's there just to prove that some people still give a d**n. I could be wrong though, maybe it was implemented to make a concrete difference.

  10. no it is not a waste of time

  11. It's a gimmick make people aware of just how many pollutants we pot in the air.  I can think if everyone did this weekly we could have fun reducing pollution everywhere and make the world a little safer place,  No power Earth Day starts in 7 min. in Phoenix, we are going dark. See ya all tomorrow!!!

  12. I think it's preaching to the choir. (The people who participate are already aware.)

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