
Do YOU think the McCanns will ever be seen as innocent if there is not a better closure to this sad sorry case

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I am just saying that many many people view them as guilty, I would say 50% of the people i know do, and that includes people I go to Uni with (even lecturers).

This whole case has completely taken over Yahoo Answers Current Events at times.

I think that many people will always see them as guilty

The worst thing is, is that someone somewhere knows everything, or as i suspect make that someone, 9 people




  1. In a word - NO!!!! People - like me and loads of others - are trying to fathom out WHY the McC's and their "friends" wouldn't take part in a reconstruction of events. I would have done ANYTHING it took to try to find my missing child NOT throw obstacles in the path of the very people who were trying to help. They are guilty of neglect and it is their fault - and theirs only - that that lovely child has gone.

  2. they are guilty of abandoning their children and going out on the lash..

    they should have either taken the children with them or had the get together in their apartment, or they should have left the kids with relatives whilst they went on holiday on their own.

    People who take their kids on holiday to a foreign country and then abandon them to go and do their own thing are selfish in the extreme.

  3. ANYONE is innocent until proven otherwise!

  4. more than half of all the people i know suspect them

    the rest arent sure

    they will always be known as pathetic parents who had powerful friends and paid their mortgage with MADELINES FUND MONEY

  5. Guilty of what?  

    50% of the people you know think they are innocent!

    The point is this:  the child is missing.  Her body has not been found, and no one knows where she is.  Although everyone is quick to point fingers at the parents, the truth is that no one knows what happened to Madeleine McCann, especially a bunch of people who, even if they are lecturers, were not there and have no in depth access to the case, other than the tabloids and sensationalist newspapers.

    There is no evidence to support any theory, from the sound of it.  It is a mystery.  

    And if, as I think, the parents are innocent of any wrong doing, isn't it a great shame to add further sorrow to their lives by accusing them of something they didn't do?

  6. No as you say in some peoples eyes they will always be guilty, I think its more than 50% who see them as just that.

    I for one would really like to see an end to it.

  7. 'Seen' as innocent? They ARE innocent until proven otherwise. Simple.

  8. I will ALWAYS.. or until Madeleine turns up alive .. (so i will be waiting forever!!!) so yep, guilty as sin!!!!

  9. The way the case has been shelved really doesn't help them one bit OK they will say it a weight lifted but truthfully they know deep down they are not cleared how can they.

    The only way for this to happen is for Madeline to turn up until then there will always be a huge question mark over them I'm afraid !!

  10. No I don't because the fact of the matter is they are fully responsible for what happened. They have brought it all on themselves and the cloud of suspicion will never leave them.

  11. There are too many people who will never admit that they are wrong. I have been waiting for this day for a year but quessed that my defence of the McCanns would not finish this witch hunt.

    Paul C You are right. Someone somewhere does know something. Its the person that abducted Maddie McCann, but you are barking up the wrong tree.

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