
Do YOU think the surge worked?

by Guest61921  |  earlier

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If the surge worked, how come there are suicide bombs and carbombs still blowing people up? Its kinda like when bush stood there and said...mission acomplished, how many years ago?




  1. Worked? Maybe but at great costs in blood and treasure to all concerned. The surge has given Iraqi's the time needed to get their gov't in working order. It has saved face for Bush43 worried about how history will remember him and for McCain who claims he deserves to be the next President because he criticized the Bush43 administration Secretary of Defense Donald Rumdsfeld. So in that sense it has worked. However, one must remember the surge was an unplanned response to terrorists strengthened by an invasion and occupation of a country that was not a friend of al Queda and bin Laden as we were told. Also we did not catch bin Laden in Afghanistan and because of that , have generated --some say multiplied--more Islamic fundamentalist terrorists in the borderlands of nuclear Pakistan. So in that sense the surge is no victory excepts for the goofs who took the eye off bin Laden and other Saudi Arabian fanatics.

    Bottom line: The "military surge" should be viewed as a minor military success within the context of much larger and more numerous geopollitical failures by "you know who" and his gang of oil-loving, empire building neocons.

    addendum: The rehiring of the Sunni military disbanded by Bremer was made necessary by Bremer having fired and disbanded them in the first place. We do not belong in Iraq and the sooner we get out, the better. We need to continue helping the Iraqis to the extent that they help themselves recover from the dictatorship of Sadaam &sons and provided they do not replace it with Shia Islamic Fundamentalist Councils. I think Iraq would be better off trying to follow democratic principles rather than medieval religious restrictions imposed on a highly intelligent culture. Like all societies, they need to find the way to move ahead in a shrinking global world. The US too by picking a smarter President than the last ones! esp the last one!

  2. even obama thinks so mccain told that dumby it's working

  3. You think they would say otherwise? It didn't!

  4. no

  5. The politicians would love to have everyone think the surge worked- now for the real story-ever hear about the awakening councils? Do a little research on them and this is what you will find- the year before the surge took place. the Bush Administration in a last ditch effort to make some kind of showing of success in Iraq got this advice - go talk to the tribal chiefs of each tribe and find out what can be done to get their help in fighting the foreign fighters and to stop the attacks on the US troops, in other words what would it take to get them to become allies instead of the enemy This is what they came up with- each Sunni fighter would get a $300 per month salary from the US government- each Shite militant would get the same- the amount paid to the tribal chiefs and the holy men was not disclosed- these facts can be easily checked by any one wishing to do so.-this is why the violience is down, and the Al-Qaida are heading to Afghanistan. If people will remember the surge was only going to Baghdad to stabilize it. Let no one misunderstand my position on this- I am 100% for any thing that will cut down or stop the shooting and bombing of the troops in Iraq- I have several friends and family members fighting over there.I am for  victory in whatever shape or form it takes to achieve it. but I am also for getting those troops home as soon as possible, because I feel that this is a war that we had no business being in, and the reasons given to do so was not accurate.

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