
Do Yahoo Groups charge Dues?

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I am interested in the usual way that groups work on Yahoo. Is it a group or really a listserve? Are dues charged, or are there other ways that groups raise money. If a group raises money, do they have to make an accounting to the group.

Why does one post on a group site. Is it the same for all groups. I am asking very general questions just to have a sense what groups do, how they create rules an carry them out. In fact anythingnnsome one wants to tell me about groups on Yahoo would be welcomed!




  1. wow, you will be a very important person someday, you do your research well. i have no answer for you just complements.-blurey

  2. there's very many types of Yahoo groups, and they are free to create and use. Yahoo does not charge a fee and there is some question within Yahoo TOS if a group owner is allowed to use a group for the purposes of profit.

    rules can be created by the owner of the group, and are enforced by that owner. depending on the type of group depends on what type of rules would pertain. my topic groups would not be the same as let's say a sports topic group so our rules would be different. Yahoo wont enforce owner rules as long as they do not violate Yahoo TOS. Yahoo offers a general groups member guideline which many groups also use, and then add more to. why members post to groups would be then due to topic of the group, some groups generate 30 posts a month, others generate 1000+ posts a month. just all depends

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