
Do You Agree 17 Year Old Bristol Palins Pregnancy Is A Serious Matter?

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But if her boyfriend turns out to be a black kid, is there anybody in America that won't c**p their pants laughing ???




  1. No.

    The fathers of b******s have served as President. So, it would be fine to have the grandmother of a b*****d serve as Vice President.

  2. Really disgusting post. What is wrong with having a black father? Do you think whites and blacks can't be together?

  3. Fortunately, young Bristol will have to grow up very quickly.  Being a parent isn't easy but it is something that can be accomplished by someone even as young as Bristol.

    Young Miss Palin will have an advantage that a lot of young women don't, won't and can't have.  She will have the love, support and respect of the vice president of the United States of America.


  4. It's a serious matter for them , not you or me!

  5. no. mistakes happen, that's life. I worry though about the child with downs syndrome for some reason and the 3 year old because they are so young, they need their mother

  6. Repubs just want their tax breaks, they don't really care about Palin's daughter.  

    And yes I would laugh I admit it.  

  7. A child has been conceived.

    What if it had been YOU?

    Have a heart!

    ~Concerned Liberal for Obama

  8. i don't care as long as the father isn't a LIBERAL

  9. Only a lib would think so, grow up!!!!!!

  10. That would only add to the baby mama drama!

  11. AHhhh. shut up. IF we can talk about being obama is a "MUSLIM" ... then we can talk abot Bristol being a w***e.

  12. Yes, it is serious, more so for the Palin's than America.

    But, I can't help wondering how the extreme right would have reacted if it had been Obama's daughter (realize she is too young).

    If this were the Democrats would Pat Roberson and Steve Schmidt be saying:

    -Gustav is God's vote for the Republican ticket,

    -Palin's pregnancy is God's vote of no confidence on abstinence educations,

    -Palin/her daughter's son is evidence they are sinners?

    I believe that the radical right would use these unfortunate events to make political points.  What would you expect of a group without a conscience.

  13. No, it would be really funny if the kid turned out to be an Arab with Muslim beliefs!!!

    That would be hilarious!!!

    True Patriot™ Obama 08': I think that you misunderstood the context in which the question was written.

  14. no it's not a serous matter but people shouldn't be surprised that it keeps coming up...when you are running for the highest office in the US your whole life political and private is under a microscope.  There are people out there that are snooping in every part of Obama's and Mccain's life.  Obama can have a cousin out there who he has never met once in his life that committed credit card fraud and Obama would have to explain why or what his is connection to his cousin.  That's what you get when you enter the race for the white house   like it or not  

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